Study Buddies

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"School year is almost over, guys."


"We'll be sophomores really soon."

"I'm gonna murder you!"

Anna glared at Vaike as he talked about our inevitable future.

He shrugged. "It's the truth."

I took a sip of my coffee and tried not to listen to him. "Exactly. It's a truth we're trying not to think about," I said.

As Vaike was about to comment again, Sully slapped his mouth. "Shut up."

"Uh, guys? Aren't we supposed to be studying?" Gaius asked.

Everyone stared at him in shock. "...Gaius actually wants to get things done?" Anna asked.

"Who are you and what have you done with our friend?" I glared.

He groaned. "Look, I actually like a few of my classes and I want to study them!"

"He's just mad because he wants to score higher than me on our next Textiles test," Cordelia winked.

"He was only 2% away," Sumia giggled.

"DON'T MOCK ME!!!" Gaius went back to pouring over his books.

Once every two weeks, my friends and I meet up at a local cafe to study and talk. Mostly talk.

As Anna took a sip of her drink, Sully gave her a strange look. "I can't believe you didn't order coffee. Literally, the whole point of this thing is to get hyped on caffeine and cram our brains with knowledge."

Anna rolled her eyes. "First of all: I can't drink caffeine; it makes me tired. Second: coffee is terrible and tea is better. Lastly: the hot chocolate here is to die for."

Sumia nodded. "Yeah! I love it with blueberry flavoring! Mostly because it goes with my scone."

"Let Anna drink what she wants, Sully," I laughed. "We will not have a falling out over drinks."

Anna looked outside. Grey clouds were gathering in the sky. "It's too bad the weather has been cruddy. We could've gotten some bubble tea."

"Bubble tea is weird. It's not even tea," Vaike said.

"Shush! It's amazing!" Cordelia playfully spat.

Gaius looked up, annoyed. "Hey, can we try studying for a bit?" he asked.

"We're on break!" Sully sighed.

"You've been on break for 20 minutes!"

"I plead the fifth," she rolled her eyes. 

I chuckled lightly and looked down at my book. "He's right, guys. We need to get to work."

Vaike groaned. "Why?"

"Yeah, we've been working for hours!"

Anna cleared her throat. "'Hour' you mean?" She raised an eyebrow. "C'mon, we'll study for another 30 minutes and then take 10, alright?"

"Fiiiiine..." Everyone sighed.

Oh well, at least we're getting something done. We may not do much studying, but this is a great social experience. I love hanging out with these guys and I really hope we keep this tradition going.


This brings me back to my summer study group. Yes, I studied during the summer. I was trying to test-out of a class. It did not end well and I'm still in Physics. T_T Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Lifeboat: Heathers

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