Extra Credit

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I groaned and flopped down on my bed. This assignment is too confusing... I'll do it later. I rolled to my side to grab my phone, and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that there was a text message from Anna.

"Hey" It read.

I texted "Hey" back and awaited a response.

"What's up?

"Not much. Boring homework. I pretty much gave up on it. I'll do it eventually, we're on break so I have plenty of time to do it."

"Ah, nice."

I saw that she was typing, but the little bubble disappeared after a couple seconds. It did that a couple times, and then a message finally popped up on my screen.

"So, you know that extra credit thing we can do in Foods?"

"The Nagamas cookie project thing?"

"Yeah, that."

More text hesitation.

"So...do you wanna meet up and make cookies sometime?"

As I was about to respond, she sent another text at rapid speed.

"I totally understand if you can't though! I was just wondering if it was something you wanted to do."

I chuckled. "I'd love to make cookies with you! Why don't you come over to my place tomorrow at noon and we can get started, yeah?"

"That works perfectly! See ya then!"

Smiling, I turned off my phone and flopped back down. "Maybe she's finally becoming more comfortable around me after all..."


"Chrom! There's someone at the door!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back, hopping off of my loft and running downstairs

"Hey, Chrom," Anna said nervously. She looked so different. The only times I've ever seen her in anything besides her uniform was at the dances; and even then, she was wearing fancy dresses. She was wearing a simple blue sweater and plain jeans. For some reason, my heart started beating really fast when I saw her.

"H-hey! I'm glad you could make it, Anna!" I greeted her.

"Wait, Anna? Is this the girl you've been talking about?" Mom asked.

I blushed. "Y-yeah, but-"

"Oh! It's so nice to finally meet you, Anna!" Mom shook Anna's hand and smiled. "My son keeps talking about you!"

Anna smiled nervously. "Does he, now?"

"Yes! He talks about you constantly!" Mom laughed. "There was this one time when he-"

"OK, THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" I grabbed Anna's hand and began to drag her into the kitchen. "LET'S GO MAKE COOKIES!"

When we got into the kitchen, she was smirking at me. "What exactly have you been talking about?" she asked.

"Nothing!" I quickly got out some ingredients. "Let's just bake, ok?"

Anna rolled her eyes. "Ok..."


"Ah! Anna! It's so nice to see you!" Dad said as he entered the kitchen.

Anna looked up from the piping bag she was filling. "It's nice to see you too, Mr. Exalt!" she replied nervously.

"Hey, Dad," I greeted him.

He gave me a weird look. "Er, son? You have a little something on your face."

I lifted my hand to my cheek, and when I pulled away, my fingers were covered in green frosting. "Oh..." This is embarrassing.

"If you think that's bad, you should have seen him when he put too much flour in the stand mixer!" Anna dabbed my cheek with a warm cloth. "There was flour literally everywhere! It took forever to clean!"

"Haha! I bet!" Dad laughed. "From what I've been hearing, you're the only reason my son is passing Foods!"

"Oh yes. He would be lost without me."

"Is today ridicule Chrom day?" I asked, an unamused expression painted my face.


"I smell food," Lissa said as she waltzed into the kitchen.

I pulled a cookie away from her. "None for you right now. This is for a project."

She rolled her eyes. "You're no fun!" She looked at Anna, a sly smile crept on her face. "Is this your girlfriend?"

Anna and I turned bright red. "G-girlfriend?!" Anna blurted.

"NO! NO NO NO NO NO!!! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! I SWEAR!" I shouted, my fists curling into tight balls.

Lissa braced herself on the counter as she laughed. "HAHA! Relax! I just wanted to get a rise out of you!" She walked over to the fridge. "I'm just gonna make myself a snack, if you don't mind..."

Anna shook her head and tried to calm herself. "L-let's just get these done..."

"Y-yeah..." I agreed. My family isn't really making the best impression on her... Great, she's probably gonna go back to hating me as soon as this is over.


"Thanks for coming over, Anna," I said as I walked her to the door.

"It's no problem! This was fun!" she smiled as she slipped on her coat. "We should do this again sometime!"

My heart leapt in excitement. "R-really?!" I don't know why I'm so excited. There's just something about her that makes me want to become really close to her. To be her friend. She makes me feel so comfortable. I don't know why!

She giggled. "Of course! I'd love to! Maybe you can help me with my Nagamas baking? I have lots of it to do!"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'd like that very much." I quickly hugged her. "I'll see you later, then?"

"Yeah! See ya!" She waved goodbye and left.

I sighed, a big dopey grin painted my face. She doesn't hate me! Good! That's really good! I can't wait to see more of her! I have a feeling that this is the start of a great friendship! ...Why am I so fixated on her? It's weird... I've never felt this way about anyone before...


I jumped in shock and frowned at her. "LISSA, COULD YOU NOT!!!!!!!!"


I told you that these nerds are gonna become best friends! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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