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It has been two weeks since we've been back to school, and I've avoided Katie the whole time. I still haven't forgiven her for the whole Anna incident. However, I knew that it was inevitable for her to finally catch and talk to me.

"Chrom! Get over here!" Katie caught up to me in the hallway.

It was the end of the school day, and I was currently making my way outside so I can find Anna and walk her home. She always walks to and from school. It's now become a normal occurrence for me to walk her home after school. I have to stay after hours, anyway, since Mom and Dad have to work.

I groaned and tried to ignore her. "I'm busy, Katie!"

That didn't stop her. "Chrom, we need to talk!" she demanded.

I turned around and frowned. "What is there to talk about?"

"About us! Why you're avoiding me!"

I clenched my fists. "There is no us, Katie!" I sighed. "We're not dating! And I'm avoiding you because you hurt my best friend!"

Katie crossed her arms. "Well, it seems like you two hated each other up until the Winter Dance, but that's not my point." She rolled her eyes. "Look, I'm sorry! I really am! I understand that what I did was wrong and I regret doing it!"

I narrowed my eyes. "...How can I be sure that I can believe you?" I asked.

"Because I seriously learned my lesson," she said. "I got an over-break detention for what I did. It sucked. I promise that I will never do it again!"

I sighed in defeat. "You know what? Fine. Apology accepted." I rubbed my temple. "But if you're going to apologize to anyone, apologize to Anna. You've caused her a lot of trouble."

Katie checked her nails and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

I frowned. "You know, I'm actually heading out to see her. You can apologize right now!"

That grabbed her attention. "What? Now? Won't she, like, not want to see me?"

"Fine. Don't come with me. I guess I'll just have to keep ignoring you!" I began to walk away.

"No! Wait!" Katie groaned and stomped her foot. "I mean... I would love to make things right with her."

I smirked. "Glad to hear it."


"Why did you think that was a good idea?" Anna slapped my shoulder.

"She had to apologize eventually!"

She slapped my shoulder again. "Chrom, I don't think you know how girl friendships work. There is no such thing as 'apologizing' we hold grudges, be passive aggressive, pretend to forgive each other, and hate one another until the end of time."

I wrapped my arm around her head. "Yeah, well, maybe that's how your old friendships worked!" I laughed. "I really hope that you two can learn to get along. Katie is actually really nice, once you get to know her."

Anna escaped me and frowned. "Let's talk about something else, ok? Exams. Those exist."

I sighed and looked forward. "Indeed they do. You worried?" I asked.

Anna nodded. "Terrified. But I'll manage."

"Yeah, same here," I said. "Hey, me and the others and meeting up this weekend at Roasted Bean Café for a study group. You wanna come?"

"I'd love to." She smiled.

We walked in silence for a little bit.

"Ah! Dammit! I have an empty class!" I exclaimed as I facepalmed.

"You do? What hour?"

I shook my head. "5th... Gods, how can I forget?!"

Anna placed a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, I'm sure you'll find something. I'm going to have Psych that hour. Maybe you can take that?"

"No... I don't think I'll be any good at that," I sighed. "I'll ask Dad for help, I guess..."

Anna smiled warmly at me. "Hey, you'll figure this out."

I smiled back. "Thanks. Hey, I never asked you what other classes you're taking!"

"Oh! Right!" Anna pulled out a binder full of sheet music. "Well, I'm in Choir and Music Theory Studies."

I stopped right in my tracks. "Seriously?! You?! Choir and Music?!" I exclaimed. "You're full of surprises!"

Anna laughed. "Don't judge a book by its cover, then!" She nudged my side.

Wait... We're only allowed 2.5 free class blocks! Where did she get the extra half credit? As I was about to ask, we arrived at her house.

"Thanks for walking me back!" Anna took her books from my arms. "I'll see you later!"

I snapped out of my daze. "Uh, yeah, see ya!"

I shook my head and walked back to the school. I have so many questions for this girl... Oh well. I'll ask them eventually.


Let me clear up some confusion. Full block classes are two-semester classes, and half-block are only one-semester. Chrom is taking Foods and Student Leadership, which are both full block, and he has an extra half-block. Anna's full block classes are Foods and Choir. Her half-blocks are Beginners Psych and Music Theory Studies. You'll find out where she got the extra block eventually ;) Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Shot Heard Round The World: Boys Like Girls

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