Did He Get in?

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"Anna, please calm down."

"I am calm!" I slammed my pencil into my paper and glared at Chrom.

He flashed me a nervous smile. "You're more nervous than me! And I'm the one who's waiting for the results of try-outs!" he chuckled.

"Well, I'll be worried on your behalf!"

He tried to hide his laughter by focusing on our Psych worksheet. "You wanna stay with me after school for the results?"

I nodded vigorously. "Yes, please," I said.

As we continued to work, Chrom's face twisted into that weird one whenever he thinks too hard on something. 

He looked up at me. "Hey, Anna?" he spoke. "We've been talking a lot about roots of problems and stuff. Where did your anxiety originate?"

Dread seeped into my heart. Sure, he was my best friend and I pretty much tell him everything, but some things are best kept withheld until ready to talk about. However, that doesn't mean the memories have healed.

"...Anna? You ok?"

I shook my head quickly as the last of the memories flashed away. "I-I'm fine!" I squeaked. "I don't think I'm ready to talk about that, yet. I'm sorry."

Chrom flashed me a kind smile. "No worries. Take your time."

I returned his smile with one of my own. "Thank you." Gods, I wish I had someone like him at my old schools...life would have been so much better...

I guess that's why I cherish him so much now.


"He'll be fine, Anna!"

"We don't know that!!!"

Olivia giggled and held my hands. "Breathe. It'll be ok," she said.

I sighed and paced back and forth outside of the band-room. "I'm just really scared, Olivia. He needs to get in! He's my main impulse control!"

She playfully nudged my side. "Hey, what am I, then?" She smirked. 

I rolled my eyes at her. "You're a great friend who I also love dearly." I stuck my tongue. "But Chrom is literally the most amazing human ever and if he doesn't get in, I may cry."

Olivia placed a hand on my back. "It'll be ok, I promise. I'm sure Chrom did great-" Before she could finish her sentance, the doors opened, and a very depressed looking Chrom came out.

Oh no...

"H-hey, guys..." Chrom muttered, walking over to us.

My heart was being ripped in two. He was looking forward to this! He was so excited! His dream has been ruined! "How did it go?" I managed to choke out.

"W-well..." He couldn't keep it in anymore. A huge grin spread on his face and he looked up at us. "I got in!!!"

Now my heart was beating a mile a minute. "REALLY?! Why you-" I engulfed him in a lung-crushing hug. "You scared the hell out of me!!! Congrats!!!"

Olivia joined the hug. "Never do that again, you jerk!" she laughed.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed, squeezing him.

"And you're about to crush my ribs!"

We reluctantly let him go. "You're in drumline. Not winds. You don't need your lungs," I jested.

Chrom chuckled. "Yeah, those aren't important."

I slung my arms around Chrom and Olivia's shoulders. "Well, I guess the whole squad is here." I finally have a group of friends in marching band! This is great!

"So what's this 'band camp' thing?" Chrom asked. "Everyone always talks about it!"

Olivia and I shared a look, nodding slowly. We knew we had a lot to teach him.

"All will make sense soon, weirdo," I said. "All that happens is a cult initiation and you get thrown into a lake. No biggie."

Now he began to look scared. "Wait, what?! I didn't sign up for this!"

Olivia giggled. "Well, you technically did."


"One of us...one of us..." I began chanting softly.

Chrom sighed. "Please don't be weird about this." He turned to Olivia. "Please don't let her be weird."

She grinned and tried to hide her giggles. "One of us! One of us!"

"Guys!" he groaned. 



I laughed and pulled him into a hug. "The greatest family ever."

He sighed and returned my hug. "For some reason, I believe you."


NO JOKE! MY FRESHMAN INITIATION WAS LITERALLY LIKE JOINING A CULT. IT WAS AMAZING. HURRAY FOR MARCHING BAND! (Except I'm not technically in the band. I'm in Colorguard.) Anyway, I'm still a dork. So are these guys. Dork central right here. I can't word good when I'm tired. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Africa: Toto

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now