No Answers

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The weekend passed by quickly.

I tried texting Anna, but she never replied to me. I wouldn't be surprised if she blocked me.

She wasn't in school, either. Everything felt empty without her. But why should I care? She never wanted to be my friend! But things don't add up! Gods, why is this so confusing?

"Hey, Chrom? Where's Anna?" Gaius asked me.

I dug my nails into my palms. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Did something happen?"

"Just mind your own business!" I snapped.

Sully frowned. "Chrom, you two never fight. Something bad must have happened."

I looked down to hide my tears. "I just... Anna doesn't want to be friends with us anymore... She wants nothing to do with us..."

"That can't be true!" Sumia choked.

"Yeah, something's wrong!" Cordelia nodded.

I wish they were right... "Apparently, our friendship never meant anything to her."

"Something happened. I know it," Vaike said. "Anna would never do that."

"Well, it did, and I don't want to talk about it!" I growled. "This conversation is over."

Everyone exchanged wary looks and returned to their lunches.





"Chrom, I heard what happened..." Katie approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

For once, I didn't pull away. "I just... I don't understand..." I muttered.

She smiled kindly at me. "Well, I'm always here for you, you know that."

"Thank you, Katie. That means a lot," I said.

"So, how has Anna been acting, now?"

I shrugged. "I wouldn't know. She hasn't been at school."

Something flashed in her eyes. "Huh, that's weird," she purred. "Maybe she's sick?"


"Well, it doesn't surprise me that she's decided to go rough." Katie flicked her hair. "She was constantly talking behind your back to Olivia! Gods, you should have heard the things she said!"

My heart sank. "That...that doesn't sound like Anna..."

Katie sighed. "Well, it is. I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

What is going on? Why would Anna do that? Was I really nothing to her? I checked the time. "I'm really sorry, Katie, but I need to go."

"Ok! I'll talk to you later!" She gave me a quick hug and then skipped away.

"Gods, I wish the year could be over..."


I stared at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. Something doesn't add up. This still doesn't make sense! I sent Anna about 50 more texts today; still no reply.

All at once, all of my memories of Anna came flooding in. The times I held her close to comfort her. The times when we made each other laugh so hard that we cried. The times that she has helped me become a better person.

It was all for nothing...

I turned my face into my pillow. None of it mattered...nothing matters anymore... I lost my best friend and I'm never getting her back

Told ya it was gonna get angsty. That's it. This is the end of HSY. We had a good run. Bye. Kidding. XD I promise that it'll get better soon. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now