What Happened?

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Anna has been acting weird the past couple days... She seems more skittish than usual and she looks like she's about to explode!

I eyed my friend warily as we worked on a psych worksheet. I wonder if everything's ok... She's been like this since Tuesday! It's Friday! Did something happen? Why didn't she tell me? Gods, I just want to know what's going on...

She looked over at me for a brief second but quickly averted her gaze as soon as she met my eye.

I sighed, looking back at my worksheet. I just want to help her...


She was no better at lunch.

While everyone was talking, she wouldn't say a thing. "You ok?" I asked.

She flinched as I spoke and tried not to look at me. "I-I'm fine! I promise!" She began to shovel food into her mouth to avoid talking.

What in Naga's name is going on?!


"Anna!" I ran to her as she speed-walked away. She always waits for me to walk her home!!! Why didn't she wait?

She didn't even look at me. She looked down and walked faster.

"Anna, please. Talk to me." I blocked her path. "You have been avoiding me the last few days. What's going on?"

She clutched her books. "I...I don't think we should talk to each other anymore."

My heart stopped.

"...What?" I choked, my throat going dry.

"I mean we shouldn't be friends!" she spat. "I'm done with you!" She brushed past me, tears beginning to form in her eyes. 

I grabbed her wrist. "What are you talking about?!" This is not happening. What the hell is going on? "Was it something I said? Did I make you mad?"

She refused to meet my eye. "I...I..." She swallowed thickly. "I'm done being friends. I-I'm done with you. With all of this. I don't want to talk to you."

"Anna, please tell me what happened. What is going on? What can I do to fix this?"

She pulled her wrist away. "Leaving me alone is how you can fix this. I was using you this whole time. I never meant any of the things I said." Her voice sounded broken.

I tried reaching out to her again. "...Please... Tell me what's wrong... This isn't the Anna I know and love..."

She turned away. "...That Anna never existed. You should've known better not to trust her." She began walking. "I never cared about you, Chrom Exalt."

My tears fell freely down my cheeks. "I want to fix this...please let me fix this..."

She stopped. "...You can't fix something that has never been broken. Our friendship was never real."

My heart was shattering into a million pieces. "It was to me..."

She was shaking. "...I'll see you around..." And with that, she was gone.

I stared. 

I hoped that she would turn back and run into my arms and everything would go back to normal.

This didn't happen. This is a dream. This is nothing but a sick dream. I'm going to wake up soon and Anna and I will still be friends.

...But I never woke up.

I hid my face in my hands. What happened to my best friend...? What did I do to make her leave?


Not gonna lie, I almost cried writing this. It's going to be nothing but angst for a few weeks. Have fun. God knows I sure will have fun writing these. Some of the topics that are coming up may make some uncomfortable and I apologize for that. Truly, I do. I am not trying to exploit some of these problems for my own gain. I just want to show everyone that things can and WILL get better. Even if it seems like they never will. Thank you all so much for reading and look forward to reading more.

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