Chapter 01: Farewell

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"Celesta" a deep voice called...

"You called?" an older woman's voice spoked...

"It's time"...

"Already? but It's still soon!"...

"Yes. It is time for our new queen to risen once again"...

"Alright, I understand. Where is she now by the way?"...

"In Fiore where a town called Magnolia existed within It's lands. There you may find our next heir to the thrown."

"Where the princess is located?"...

"Yes and do be careful, he could be there" he warned...

"Of course, Igneel"...

Lucy's P.o.V

I sighed as I placed my head on a table at the counter while my arms were left hanging beside my body, I glanced at my glass with blanked eyes staring at It. How long has It been, two? no three months since everybody in the guild started ignoring me when Lisanna came back from the parallel world called Edolas. They throw a big celebration for her return and partied like forever atleast, and never get to hear the end of It; I always wanted to get to know her but I never get the chance since everybody always brushes me off before I could ask her and now that I think about It, when I tried to talk to the others they always given me cold shoulders and Ignored my greetings. And I've notice that Natsu and the rest of the team began to distant themselves from me and would invite Lisanna for a job request leaving me alone and unwanted when I'm specifically part of the team;and for some reason, lisanna's always giving me death glares whenever I entered the guild and always giving me the cold greetings.

Only the Master, wendy, cana, gajeel, and the exceeds who only acknowledges my pressence and they were the only ones who  always greeted me with casual greetings every morning when I enter the guild and every evening when I go home. I slowly sipped my drink and placed it back to the table and sighed once more. Then I was snapped by my own thoughts as someone called my name..."Hey lucy!"...

I turned my head to see Natsu, now he noticed me...(sarcasticly speaking)

I gave him a slight smile..."What Is It Natsu?"

Natsu:"Listen lucy, the team and I were wondering that..?"
"Wondering about what?"...
Natsu:"Well the team and I decided that we kicked you out of the team and replaced you with Lisanna"

My whole world stopped..."W-what, w-why?" I stammered not following his request...

Natsu:" ( sighed)...Do I have to explain It? Your weak, useless and always complain with your rent and It's just so annoying."

I flinched in surprise as he continued...

"You always hide behind your spirits and always rely on our help with the missions."...

"I-I do not!" I retorted...

"Yes you do and besides, Lisanna's way better than you. She doesn't complain nor useless in battle"...

"I-I'm not useless and I'm not weak!" I yelled making everyone stared at our argument...

" Your weak always have and always will be and the reason I let you join in team natsu is to fill the spot for Lisanna if she ever come back. That's right your just a replacement and nothing else!" he yelled in anger...

I stared at him wide eyes then glanced at the other team Natsu who just looked away while Lisanna just...Smirked?...

My eyes threat to cry but I can't let them show just yet not infront of him and the others. I sighed, trying to hold back the tears then glanced at the pink-haired dragon slayer with stern eyes...

"Alright, If that's what the whole team wants then feel free to replace me. I...I don't care anymore" I stated as I turned my backs to them then walked towards the Master's office.

The members eyed me with pity while team natsu just stared into space as I walk right passed them with my head down...

Wendy:"Lucy are you alright?" she asked me with concern but I just ignored her and went upstairs...
No one's P.o.V

"What is It that you want lucy?" Macarov asked the blonde who expression was blank...

"Master...I want to quit the guild" she responed sternly..

"W-what!?" bewildered...

"I want to quit Fairy Tail Master"...

"B-but why my child?"...

"Everyone ignored me and Team Natsu just kicked me out of the team because I was weak and just a replacement for lisanna. It really pains me to leave Fairy Tail but..." she clenched her both hands...

"But you wanted to prove to them that your not weak. Am I right?" he asked knowing from what she was talking about...

"T-that's right, so that Is why I want to quit; To train myself to become stronger!"...

Macarov's P.o.V

I stared at the Mage before me with pity and sadness because what my children have done was unforgivable and senselss. They made one of my children suffered and got called weak infront of the others, that's just cruel and uncalled for...

"I understand what you've been through Lucy." I stated earning me a wide eye from the girl..."And I'm willing to remove your mark and let you train to become stronger than anyone else." I went infront of her and grabbed her hand where her insignia was located. I put my hand to her's then a sudden light erupted. Once the light disappeared her Fairy Tail insignia was no longer there...

"Thank you Mas- I mean Macarov. And please don't let the others know that I left" she said with a forced smile...

I nodded..." I'll see to It that I will tell them when the time is right"... then asked..." When will you return Lucy, to Fairy Tail I mean"...

"I-I don't know If i were ever return to the guild."

"I see" I frowned...

"However, when I'm done with my training I'll come visit you guys"..."Sayonara, senpai" and with that she's gone, out of my sight. Then I noticed that tears were coming out from the corner of my eyes...

"Farewell my child" I bid farewell as I let the tears flow out ...
To be continued....

How was It?

Sorry If I have to make lisanna a bitch to lucy...

Enjoy the next chapter...^0^…

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