Chapter 18: Releasing the Demon Within

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No one's P.o.V

"Next of the battle portion we have...Lisanna Strauss from Fairy Tail A team Vs... Lucy Heartfilia from Sabertooth!"

Sting:"It's blondie's turn!? but she hasn't healed yet after the last event!" he exclaimed in concern, that is until a familiar voice spoked...

"There's no need to worry about my health, sting" they turned their attention to the blonde who was now fully healed with her usual poker face...

"Lucy-san!" fro cried as she landed against lucy's chest and sobbed...

"No need to cry fro, I'm alright now" she patted her on the head to soothe her cries which it worked...

"Don't worry us like that, Idiot" sting commented as he ruffled her hair like a child...

"Well stop worrying, I already told you, I'm fully healed now" her voice calm but cold...
=============================At  Fairy Tail's Side...

"Look! lucy's okay now!" wendy stated with joy...

Erza:"I'm amazed on how she could heal herself so quickly"...

Natsu:"That's Luce for ya!" chimed...Gray:"What made you excited that way flame brain? and did lucy already told you to stop calling her that?"...
Natsu:"I know but, I just can't help It I guess" he muttered...
At the battle stage...

"I'm going to destroy you once and for all, and take natsu away from you by force!" Lisanna yelled with cockiness.

Lucy heard It but chose to ignore It, however, the blonde slowly walked towards the take-over mage and whispered through her ear...

"I don't care, about your disgusting love life, but I do however won't forgive you for making the entire guild to go up against me and called me weak. From where your standing, you'll die in battle." her voice filled with hatred and remorse...

"I-I don't know what your talking about!" lisanna nervously replied...
Mato:"Let the last battle portion...begin!"
"I'm gonna win this and take natsu away from you If It's the last thing I do!"Lisanna transformed into her Tigress form and started advancing to her opponent.
"I can't believe I'm going to waste my magic on you from all people" she mumbled and side step away making the take-over mage to miss her by inches..." Kuzo!" she cursed  then attacked her again with her the same form into a frontal assault.

"Hmph, pathetic" lucy muttered. She raised her right fist and It bursted into flames..." Fire Dragon's: Iron Fist!". Lisanna manage to evade It but ended up knocked over to the ground by the other blonde's fist...

"How dare you punch me!" she yelled in irritation...

"Be quiet, slut" lucy glared at lisanna that made her furious even more...

"Teme!" lisanna's aura began to change into a pure dark one that made everyone except lucy narrowed their eyes on the take-over mage's next attack...

"You think your better than me? Huh, don't make me laugh. Your still that weak celestial mage, a replacement and  you will never take natsu away from me!" she yelled as she transformed into a Demon much like her siblings' power to transform entirely.

Everyone widened their eyes including all the teams to see a demon infront of them. However...

"Satan soul?!" mirajane exclaimed in disbelief that her very own younger sister would possess such transformation...

"But i thought she only uses animal transformation!?"Laxus almost exclaimed as well for this is his first time seeing a demon form...
"Impossible! how can lisanna know this power!?" erza stated in shock...

"More importantly, when did she learned this power from?!" gray asked...

"But her transformation, looks kinda like Miss Mira's Demon form don't you think?" wendy's curiousity earned their attention as they stared back at the battle arena...
Yes, lisanna's satan soul form was similar to mirajane's but the big difference, Is that the hair was shorter and her attire was white and her wings were white with  a black shade. Completely different from the real satan soul.

"Surprising isn't it? I learned this since I was still back at edolas. I've been training for this moment to come. And that day, Is now" her voice deepened into a darker one.

But lucy just stared at her with an empty glance and said one word...


Lisanna flinched but turned into glare..." Nani?"...

"Copying your sisters magic, how utterly disgusting of you"...

"Shut up!" lisanna went for lucy as Lucy went for her as well...

"Let's end this once and for all,  Lisanna!" lucy yelled as they both clashed against each other....

To be continued...

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