Chapter 02: Shocking News

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I-I don't know I were ever return to the guild."

"I see" I frowned...

"However, when I'm done with my training I'll come visit you guys. Sayonara Senpai"...

"Farewell my child"


Somewhere from the Magnolia Train Station, a womanly figure slowly emerged from a train then glanced at her surroundings...'Is this really the place he was mentioned ?'
She thought then set out to find she was looking for...


Lucy's P.o.V...

I was heading back to my apartment to pack up my things before I train myself stronger. My head was bent down while my eyes were covered by hair, I was so sad yet angry at the same time to my former team and the rest of the members. I mean they just ignored me and then replace me from someone who I don't really know much about. (A/n: She's talking about Lisanna ;3 ).

While I was in my thoughts I didn't noticed that I was already infront of my apartment. I unlocked It's doors then went towards my room.

I summoned Virgo to help me pack my things which she obeyed and did what I told her to do. When we were done packing I forced her gate closed then decided to set out early before something unusual happens like that I wouldn't know. I grabbed my things then carefully closed the door, I handed to the landlady my payment to my rent and bid her Farewell.

[ End of P.o.v ]………


Normal P.o.V

The Stellar Mage, along with her fully packed things, is heading towards the cities station. Unfortunately, due to the argument earlier, her head bended low for her strands of hair to cover her eyes in shadows. She was still depressed by the way team natsu treated her badly, including the others who silently agreed natsu's decision of kicking her out of the team. Well except of some people who are wendy, gajeel, the master including the exceeds who still thinks that she's not weak.

While she was stuck in her thought's she accidentally bumped into someone and ended both of them to fall to the ground...

"I-Itai! ( Ouch or Ow)" lucy muttered while rubbing her butt from the pain, she then slowly opened an eye and saw the person she bumped with.

The person appeared to be a woman with light- blonde hair with white highlights. She was wearing a cloak for some reason that hides her clothes completely and from what she can tell, I think the woman was in her mid- thirties or forties. The woman began to opened her eyes and to reveal with coral blue for Its color...

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" Lucy exclaimed and helped the woman to get up...

"Oh no It was my fault I-" The woman stopped her sentence and stared at the blonde infront of her with wide eyes...

"Is there something the matter?" lucy asked quite confused...

The woman snapped her gaze then asked..."Ummm, by any chance that your name would be Lucy?"...

Lucy gave her a confused look but then responed..." Y-yes I'm lucy"...

"As in Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of the late Layla Heartfilia?" she asked excitedly...

"I'm- how do you about my mother!?"lucy gasped..

The woman suddenly bursted in joy ..."Oh thank the heavenly stars!" she exclaimed then looked at the blonde who was still confused...

Lucy:"W-who are you do you know about my mother!?"she asked...

"My name is Celesta and I'm... a dragon"....

An awkward silence filled each others pressence when all of a sudden..." WHHHHHAAAATTT!!!!!!????" lucy shouted in disbelief....

Celesta:"( chuckled)...Surprised?"...
Lucy:"Y-your a d-dr-dragon!?"
Celesta:"You heard it right" hand on her hips...
Lucy:"B-but h-how, I mean you look so human, how can you be a dragon?"..m
Celesta:"Because we the dragons have the ability to transforn from a dragon to a human being"...
Lucy:"Sugoi~"amazed.."So, Celesta you knew my mother?" she asked sadly...
Celesta's expression turned frown..."Yes."
Lucy:"How exactly?" timidly asked...
Celesta:"I'll tell you when I take you to the Dragon realm" sternly stated...
Lucy:"D-dragon Realm? but why?"...
Celesta:"Because you, the daughter  Layla Heartfilia, is soon to be the next...Dragon queen"...

Another silence filled the air...

Lucy:"N-nani? me, the next, Dragon Queen?"...
Celesta:"Yes and the one who will fully destroy the dark wizard Zeref himself."...

Lucy:"N-NAAANNNIII!!!???“ she shouted once more...

================================================================To be continued==========

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