Chapter 26: Gray Vs Rogue

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Ice Wizard powers....Excalibur!!!

Shadow dragon's...Wing Slash!!!"
Ice Wizard powers Canon!!!
Shadow dragon's Sword Egde!!!


"Why keep waiting for her when you were the ones who droved her away!" rogue yelled.

Gray flinched and retorted"We already know that and she already forgiven us!"

They both landed to the opposite grounds, both panting and sweating from each others attacks.

Rogue:" Do you really think she fully forgave you after what you and the others put her through? what natsu-san had done to her? She may have forgiven you but the past of her suffering will not disappear."

"What are you emplying? that she still hates us for treating her like a nobody?!"

Rogue clenched his hands tight with anger, remembering the incident that happened a few years ago.


"Lucy! that's enough!" sting had yelled towards lucy who was mercilessly beating an already unconscious bandit on their mission to Time City.

"Lucy! sting is right stop this at once!"

"Never again."she muttered.

Both flinched in confusion.


"Never again, will I be a nobody"

(End of Flashback)

Rogue was without a doubt angry. The reason why that incident occured was because of them. If it weren't for their selfish ambitions and  actions, lucy would still be happy, and always be cheerful. But no, they of all people have to broke her just because she was weak.

And for that, they must pay, even though the blonde had already forgiven them.

Rogue:"You of all people should know by now that lucy is a fragile girl and could easily been broken. But you all took it too far and shattered her! And now look what you did to her!"

Gray was...he can't even explain what he felt right now. For all he knew is that lucy, the once happy and cheerful and probably the most selfless girl he have met, had changed into the cold, heartless being she is right now.

'What have we done?'

Rogue noticed the ice mage's guilty look.

"She is remorse, yes, but deep down she is still the lucy you know in the past."

Gray flinched his attention to the shadow dragon slayer. "What do you mean? is lucy still the same person back seven years ago!?"

Rogue ignored his question."However, seeing her as a person right now, has angered me to the bitter. And for that, I cannot forgive you for it."

Gray had his head down. "No, you wouldn't and I understand that. Really."

Rogue raised an eyebrow.

Gray:"I understand, that you and sting won't forgive us for what we have done to lucy. Needless to say that the guild I are greatly guilty for it. Years have passed, we regret everything we did to her and finally got the chance to see her again. That is why, we have to pay for our mistakes!"

Gray suddenly attacked rogue with his magic. The shadow dragon slayer evaded and sent out an attack of his own. Which gray prevented it with his.

"Lucy already have forgiven us! And you say she didn't fully meant it!? I think your way over your head!"

Gray attacked again.

Rogue countered. "Over the years, lucy have suffered than anyone could have imagine because of you and your guild and you tell me that I'm over my head!?"

"Urusai!" gray yelled towards the shadow dragon slayer with his magic bursted into his hands.

'Even though you have forgiven me, lucy, forgive me for ignoring you, forgive me that I didn't stood by you and didn't act as a brotherly figure to you, forgive me for abandoning you, my nakama and family.'
To be continued....

Forgive me if this chapter is kinda sappy, including the last chapter. Just bear it with me minna! >_<.

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