Chapter 36: To the Resort they go

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"Have you noticed that Lucy's a bit in a bad mood?"

Having to say otherwise, the blonde was not herself at the moment. At her table, she was glaring at the wooden desk while repeatedly tapping its thick layer with her index finger as it was beginning to crack on to the spot. Neither anyone had the guts to come near her because they were intimidated by her frightening glare. Clearly, she was upset about something that made her this way.

Gray, being the one who had asked, was at the counter with Erza, as she too was overwhelmed by Lucy's dark aura that was radiating around her. "More like she's angry at something." that's what Erza said. Gray sweatdropped."Y-you think?" As if it wasn't that obvious.

They both flinched as they saw both Sting and Rogue took a seat beside the blonde. Fearing that they might end up getting beaten, they tried to tell them to back off, but they stopped themselves as they saw Sting laid an arm around her shoulders while rogue was comforting her with soothing words. That calmed her a bit. Gray and Erza were both surprised as Lucy was finally relaxed and laid her head against Sting's chest while sighing in contentment.

"Wow would you look at that." Both of them were astound. It seems those duo were the only ones who were able to calm her down. And Lucy's looks at peace now, considering that her dark aura from before had already been long since forgotten. They seemed to have the knowledge on going through Lucy's thick defenses. Other than that, they were the only ones who could bring her soft side.

"How close are they to Lucy?" Gray asked quite intrigued, while Erza just shrugged."Who knows?" She too was intrigued. "Lucy actually does enjoy their company, and so are they." She commented as Gray nodded in agreement. "I'm a bit surprised that Lucy's showing off her emotions now. "She continued.

"But only at the presence of those two, and not us." Gray rather put it in disappointment. True that she was only showing her feelings towards Sting and Rogue and not to them, which proves that she isn't ready to trust them yet, even though the blonde already forgave them. Which brings us to Natsu.

It was not a surprise that the pink haired dragon slayer was absent in the inn, yesterday with Lucy really did have wounded him to the core. Saying that she hated him, saying the he was dead to her, it wasn't that much of a shocker with Natsu's reaction. Let alone being his first time being hated by his best-former best friend and comrade.

As off now there was still no sign of Natsu. Lisanna wanted to cheer him up but the they told her that it was best for him to be alone for awhile. Excluding Happy who was with him in his house for some little company. But natsu didn't mind. The others were also worried for their dragon slayer, never have seen this side of him, even before when he was abandoned by his dragon when he was young. So it's best to have some time of his own.

"I hope he gets over soon." Erza nodded in agreement to Gray's statement. Hoping for the better for their depressed comrade.


"Ryuuzetsu Land?" little wendy asked incredulously at Levy, who had an exciting expression. "Yup! Here in Crocus, there's a resot called Ryuuzetsu Land. It is said to be one of the most famous resorts in all of the entire Fiore!"

Laki:"Wow, really?"

Levy nodded."Not only it is famous, their properties are rather expensive when being made. Also, it has a numerous activities ad places for everyone to enjoy!"quite excited indeed the bookworm was.

Max:"A famous resort? Now that's someplace i wanna go to."

Warren:"I wanna go there too!"

Eflman:"Me too!"

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