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      Kelsey is 16 and has lived in Derry, Maine all her life. Meaning she's dealt with the Bowers gang, the school bad boys, in that time period. Henry Bower, the leader, picked on everyone that didn't meet his standards. He never really bothered her, an occasional whistle every now and then, but she would just roll her eyes and go on with her day.

      Kelsey stayed to herself, that's how she prefered it. Some nights she would sneak out and go down  to the old bridge, and drink some cheap beer she swiped from her brother. She kept her intentions on the low, she figured there was less drama that way.

     One night she left the house to have a smoke at her hide out, nothing unusual. Until Henry and the gang came cruising down the road. Kelsey was sitting in the shadows, so hopefully they wouldn't see her. The car came to a stop unfortunately, and Henry got out looking straight in her direction.

A/n: Guys this is my first story I've ever actually wrote on here. If it sucks at first, I'm sorry but I promise it'll get better. Stick around to see how it goes. Love you guys 💕

Word Count:204


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