Chapter 2

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You placed your phone on the bed next to you and sighed heavily. It had been 2 months since you had left Seoul and you could tell Namjoon was struggling with this fact just as much as you were. Your time apart had made you feel even closer to him at first, strangely. You had both made so much effort to text, call and send pictures of every moment of your days. Now you got an hour of each other's time per day, if you were lucky. You knew this was mostly your fault not his, with school and...everything else. You were struggling to keep your head above water as it was without adding a long distance boyfriend into the mix. You sighed again and looked at the picture of you and him that was the screensaver in your phone. You wondered if he was looking at the matching one that you knew was his too. You missed those happy times but knew you were asking too much to wish for them back. You heaved yourself up and looked at your watch. It was nearly 3pm. 'Crap,' you said under your breath and quickly stood up put on your shoes and run out the door. You were going to be too late for visiting hours if you didn't hurry.


Namjoon unlocked the dorm door and pushed it open with his shoulder. Tae followed him in, close behind. Namjoon sunk into a chair at the kitchen table and put his phone out in front of him.

'I really need to stop breaking things.' He mumbled under his breath, his heart sinking as he looked at his phones smashed screen and the picture of you both that now looked smashed too.

'They don't call you the God of destruction for nothing hyung. Hey, at least it still works right?' Tae replied, trying to give him some reassurance as he looked through the fridge for something to eat. Within a few seconds he was sat on the chair opposite Namjoon eating an apple.

'Yeah I guess so.' Namjoon breathed heavily, stretched his arms out in front of him and placed his forehead on the edge of the table.

'Hyung, can I ask you something?' Tae asked softly. Namjoon looked up at him as a form of reply, willing him to go on. 'She's not coming back when she's finished her last semester is she?' The question shocked Namjoon and he sat up straight, searching his friends eyes for the answer as to how he knew this. 'It's just, that's what you said but, she finishes in February right? I've known you a long time hyung. You wouldn't be this upset over someone who was only going for a few months.'

Namjoon was shocked at how right Tae was. No one gave Tae nearly enough credit for his powers of observation.

'Honestly?' Namjoon asked Tae, unsure if he really wanted to listen or if he was just doing what he felt a friend should. Tae nodded reassuringly and took another bite from his apple. 'Even she doesn't know when she's coming back.' He said heavily. Tae sat up straight and began to cough, choking on his apple.

'What?!' He managed to splutter, finally able to swallow. 'But how? Why?'

'I can't really say...well more, I don't know if I should. It's not really my secret to tell.' Namjoon sat back and crossed his arms, exasperated with the situation but happy that he could at least share some of the load with Tae, without 5 other pairs of eyes on him too.

'She is coming back though right?' Tae asked, concern heavy in his voice. Namjoon just shrugged in reply, his shoulders heavy and as tired as the rest of his body. 'Namjoon...I...' Tae began but Namjoon had stood up and was walking from the room. His heart hurt and he couldn't continue this conversation before one of his precious members lost respect for him. He opened the door to the room he shared with Yoongi, thankful that he appeared to be asleep. He crawled into bed, fully dressed and pulled the covers right over his head. He curled into a ball and attempted to complete your wish of his getting some sleep.

The next morning Namjoon woke to what sounded like a lot of voices coming from the kitchen. He rubbed his tired eyes, he had managed a couple of hours but it still wasn't nearly enough. He pulled the covers from himself and made to leave the room. Upon reaching the kitchen he was met with 6 pairs of worried eyes.

'Morning,' he mumbled, choosing to ignore their stares and went straight to the fridge. As he closed the door with a glass of milk in his hand he turned to find their looks hadn't changed and all eyes were still on him. 'What?' He asked, taking a sip of the white liquid from his glass.

'I think we need to talk.' Jin was the first to speak, as the oldest of the group he was often the spokesperson during important conversations. Namjoon groaned, rolled his eyes and slumped into the same chair he had sat in the night before.

'What is there to talk about?' He asked, full well knowing that this was some kind of intervention.

'Your a mess Namjoon.' Yoongi stated, ever the figure of bluntness, this felt comfortable between the friends and Namjoon didn't even flinch at his comment. He had begun to realise this fact himself. He began to look around at each of his friends and that's when he noticed Tae, looking guilty at the floor. 'You need to tell us what's going on. Why isn't Y/N coming back at the end of the semester?' Yoongi continued and Namjoon's eyes snapped back to him and then too Tae again.

'You told them?' He shouted, making a few of the members jump. Anger flooded his blood stream quickly and he could feel himself boiling over. It was true, he hadn't exactly told Tae that this was a secret, but he assumed he would of realised from the nature of the late night conversation. But anger was clouding his vision and he wasn't about to reason with himself about this. He stood up and slammed his hands onto the table, making everything on it shake.

'Hyung, calm down. We're trying to help.' Jungkook said, standing up next to him and placing his hand on Namjoon's shoulder. His hand was soon slapped away and his face became full of hurt. Jungkook was shocked, as the makanae he had never seen their leader like this before.

'I'm sorry hyung,' Tae finally spoke in no more than a whisper. 'I'm worried, I didn't know what else to do. We all need you.' His voice was cracking and he sounded like he would burst into tears any second but Namjoon wasn't in the mood to take mercy on him.

'Fine, have it your way. I don't know when she's coming back, or if she is ever coming back okay? You made me say it, so publically. Now you all know and you can continue to discuss it without me and talk about how ridiculous I am.' His fury had over taken him fully and the magnitude of the situation hit every member like a train. Their leader was a calm and intelligent man. One who knew better than to be over taken by such fury at the simple gesture of his friends worry.

'You know that's not what we're doing Namjoon. We're trying to help. It's not Tae's fault that he was worried. We've all been worried, what else are we meant to do but try and help?' Yoongi asked, holding in the anger he felt towards his best friend and leader in that moment.

'Just leave me alone okay?' Namjoon said, a little softer now. He grabbed his coat and headed out the door, leaving the 6 other members lost for words.

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