Chapter 1 Betrothed

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It was a normal day, the guard had just helped a tickbrid and a rhino resolve a fight. they were heading home from a mud whole and Beshte went home as well as Ono, but Bunga, Kion and Fuli all went back to the guards lair...

when they finally got there Simba, Nala, Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri were waiting for Kion.

"Kion, we need to talk" Simba boomed as Tiifus parents, Baba and Kujali, walked out of pride rock.

"Have you told him yet" Tiifus father, Baba, questioned.

"I was about to, I was just waiting for you" Simba said smiling at Tiifus father.

"Tell me what?" Kion asked with a confused look on his face.

"You and Tiifu are betrothed" Simba and Baba said together.

"WHAT??!?!!" Kion screamed with a small jump, "But what if I don't love Tiifu?"

"Well then who do you love, Kion?" Simba asked with a questionable look on his face.

"I.. I don't know yet" Kion admitted, defeated.

"Well until then, you and Tiifu are betrothed, understood?" Simba boomed.

"Understood" Kion said with a whimper.

Kion then left and went to the guards lair. As soon as he entered he was pounced on. It was Fuli.

"Ha, pinned ya!" the cheetah said with a smirk on her face.

"Ha you got me! but i'm really not in the mood right now" Kion replied.

"What's on your mind?" Bunga said quickly.

"Well... I'm kinda.. Betrothed.." He said nervously.

"WHAT??!?!" Bunga and Fuli said loudly.

"I'm Betrothed.." Kion said again.

"Ye, ye I heard you, but to who?" Bunga explained.

"Tiifu.." Kion replied in a soft voice.

Fuli was just standing there, jaw-dropped. The cheetah had always had a crush on Kion ever since the day they met.

"Are you upset about it, cause it seems like your upset about it.." Fuli asked, hopefully.

"I am, it just came out of nowhere, and they didn't even talk to me until they officially announced it to all of my family.

"Don't you have to agree to it?" Fuli questioned.

"No, not usually. Sometime the king would come to the cub, ask who he loves then talks to his or her parents. But I guess not in my case." Kion said with a sigh.

"Why didn't he ask you who you loved?" Bunga asked.

"He did, but I told him I didn't know yet" Kion explained.

"It's getting dark, I better head home before Timon or Pumbaa starts to worry." Bunga said quickly, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Ye bye! You should get home two Fuli." Kion said.

"Well I was thinking I would stay the night in the lair" she said with a yawn.

"Why?" Kion asked.

"Because it's supposed to get cold tonight, and my den gets cold easily." Fuli said while getting comfortable.

"Ok, I'll be headed to pride rock then" Kion said, "Night Fuli!"

Fuli gave him this sweet smile, one that showed she cared for him, "Night Kion!"

Young Love- A KionxFuli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now