Chapter 17 The Law

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"Hi dad..." Kion greeted his dad as he was approached.

"Zazu said Ko-" Simba said just before getting cut off.

"Long time no see old man!" Kopa said as he ascended the path to the entrance of pride rock.

"Kopa! You're alive! It's not possible... Zira, she killed you!" Simba said as he crept slowly towards Kopa.

"Pata, the baboon saved me and took care of me for the past year and a half." Kopa explained to his still awe-struck father.

Then they both ran their last few steps to reach each other and hugged.

"I never thought i'd hug you again..." Simba said into his sons ear.

"Heh, mom said the same thing" Kopa replied looking at his mom who was greeting the other lions of pride rock.

"I see, so you didn't abandon him! You just thought he was dead!" An old baboon said while interrupting the king and his son.

"Dad, this is Pata. He took care of me after the incident with Zira. I would like to thank him by inviting him to stay at pride rick, with us. Would that be OK?" Kopa explained to his dad.

"Of course it is!" Simba said as he gave the baboon a reassuring nod.

"uhh, dad! How do you get a law removed?" Kion asked as he walked up to his father and new brother.

"Well, its not easy or very common. The last person to try and get a law removed was... Nala's brother. You're uncle Kion. you have never met him because-" Simba said before getting cut off by Kion.

"He's exiled- yes I know. Kopa told me the story on our way over hear." Kion replied sadly.

"We tried so hard to get the law removed, and we begged them not to get married but we couldn't stop them. Thats why I freaked out so much when you admitted to loving Fuli. I didn't want to loose you like I lost Mheetu" Simba said, dipping his head.

"Why couldn't you get the law removed?" Kion asked.

"Because, to get a law removed I have to council with all the leaders of the lands, but most of them are VERY serious about tradition-." Simba said before getting cut off by Kion again.

"And its not tradition for a lion and a cheetah to get married..." Kion said with his ears perking down.

"Exactly... And I know we would have the same outcome of we tried again. I just wanted you to stay in the pride lands so bad that I made some irrational decisions." Simba said while looking at Kion. "Son, go get Fuli."

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