Chapter 2 It's Getting Cold

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Strong gusts of wind came in through to cave entrance. Kion couldn't sleep so he went to the top of pride rock shivering. He couldn't stop thinking about the betrothal and that sweet smile Fuli gave him, Do I like Fuli? He thought to himself. Not like as a friend but, as a mate? Even if he did he knew his father wouldn't betroth him to a cheetah. It was not aloud to marry out of species. He was wondering how Fuli was handling the cold weather, so he went down to the lair.

"Hey Fuli, you awake?" Kion asked.

"Ye, do you need me?" Fuli replied sleepily.

"I was just wondering how you're handling the cold weather." Kion said with concern in his voice.

"Th-the ground is chilly, b-but not much I can do about-t it" she said with her teeth chattering.

"I'm cold two, maybe we could huddle up together and keep each other warm.." Kion said with fear that the fierce cheetah would not be happy about this suggestion.

"That's a good idea" Fuli said with a soft tone in her voice.

"Really..?" Kion said with surprise and excitement in his voice.

"Ye come here" Fuli replied.

Kion lied down and Fuli huddled up on his chest, head laying on his paw. She fell asleep fast and Kion then rolled over on his side and pulled his right paw to rest on his chest and fell fast asleep.

Young Love- A KionxFuli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now