Chapter 6 Fuli's POV

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"You need to ask him out!" Tiifu said.

"Ye totally!" Kiara jumped into the conversation.

"And how am I supposed to do that? Just be like, 'oh hey Kion I know your betrothed in all but please go on a date with me?' Ye right" Fuli said sarcastically.

"You're making this way too complicated. All you have to do is ask 'hey do you wanna hang out later' and boom! Easy!" Zuri said.

"OK, I'll try!" Fuli said with confidence.

We went back to the lair and when Bunga passed out I then waited for Ono and Beshte to leave, then I asked.

"Oh and do you want to hang out maybe at the watering hole later?" She asked with confidence.

"Ummm sure." He said.

Not exactly the answer I was looking for but it worked for me. So then I went to pride rock and told the girls.

"I got a date with Kion! Eeek!" She said super excitedly.

"Yay! That's great! We'll help you get ready!" The 3 lioness' said.

Young Love- A KionxFuli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now