Chapter 13 Kidnapped

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"Fuli you are here by exiled from the Pride Lands... Please leave and never return!" Simba boomed.

Fuli's Lion Guard mark disappeared off her shoulder.

"WHAT!?!? SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!" Kion Roared. Fuli was just jaw-dropped.

"So you're saying corruption of the royal family isn't wrong?" Simba said smart alaky.

"Simba I warned you!" Nala said very upset.

"I know... Lionesses get all the rogues and keep them in Pride Rock!" Simba commanded his warriors.

"Yes sire..." They all replied.

Fuli ran as fast as she could to the Outlands nearly balling.


The sky turned dark, 4 black lion heads appeared in the sky. Kion was crying... then he let out his roar. The people he truly cared about (At this moment) were shielded, including his sister and her friends Timon and Pumba and the rogue lionesses... As for Simba and his lionesses, they were blown all the way to the tree of life. Kions Lion Guard mark disappeared off his shoulder, but he didn't notice.

 Kions Lion Guard mark disappeared off his shoulder, but he didn't notice

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Timon and Pumba stayed behind... after everyone left and Simba and his lionesses came back to Pride Rock...

"Lionesses go get them!" Simba roared.

"We thought we raised you differently..." Timon said glaring at Simba. "We are not mad, we are just disapointed in you."

"Timon them being together is completely against tradi..." Simba was stopped

"Don't you say tradition! Do you think it was tradition when you ran away and was raised by a Hog and a Meerkat! I don't want to hear another word!" Timon scolded their King. "We are gonna head back to the falls but you young man are gonna stay here and think about what you've done! Understand?"

"I understand..." Simba said scared.

"Good, come on Pumba..." The Meerkat said as they left. Pumba glared at the king and slowly nodded his head in disappointment.

In the outlands...

Fuli was balling... "I can't believe it! *Sobs more* I thought it would be good news! *Keeps sobbing*"

"Fuli is that you there?" ?????? asked.

"HUH! WHOS THERE?!!?" Fuli jumped up, blinded by her tears.

"Don't worry, it's just me! Jasiri!" Jasirir informed her.

"Oh... ok... good" Fuli continued sobbing.

"Why are you crying?" Jasiri asked soflty.

"I.. I.. I.... I'm *Keeps sobbing* I'm exiled from the Pride Lands!" Fuli finally let out.

"Oh My Gosh! What happened?!!?" Jasiri asked confused.

"Me and K- K- Kion got t- t- togther and Simba didn't agree to it so he e- e- exiled me!" Fuli said while once again balling.

"Cheer up Fuli! You can live with me and the other Hyenas if you want!" Jasiri was trying to cheer up Fuli.

"Th- tha- that would be nice. Thanks Jasiri!" Fuli said while smiling at Jasiri

Kion spent the next three hours looking for Fuli. He couldn't find her. Then he decided he couldn't go back to the Pride Lands, not after what he did. So he went looking for his only friend in the Pride Lands... Jasiri.

"Hey! Jasiri are you here?!?!" Kion yelled walking past her watering hole.

"Kion! Thank goodness you're here! Janja and his clan! they were here! and they took her!" Jasiri came out from behind a rock.

"Calm down Jasiri! Who did they take?" He asked.

"They took Fuli!

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