Chapter 16 Uncle

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They walked all the way to the borders of the outlands when Fuli stopped, when everyone realized this they all stopped and looked at her.

"Why'd you stop Fuli?" Kion asked walking up to her.

"I'm exiled, remember?" Fuli replied with a sigh.

"Oh ye, well you can still come into the pride lands with me" Kion said trying to persuade the cheetah that he had fallen in love with to come home with him.

"But, your dad?" Fuli said nervously.

"He can't hurt you, not as long as I'm around." Kion said nuzzling with her.

"Well, I still don't want to break the rules. I'm gonna go back to Jasiri's place and you go ahead and see if your dad will reconsider the exile" Fuli replied.

"OK, I guess that'll be fine." Kion replied, a little sad.

"Hey, cheer up. I'll be fine." Fuli said as she used her muzzle to lift Kion's so they would be eye to eye.

"I know you will." Kion replied as he licked Fuli's muzzle, sending her into a deep red blush on her cheeks. "I have to go now, I love you."

"I love you too Kion" Fuli replied with smile spread across her muzzle.

After walking for a while...

"So you and the cheetah?" Kopa asked, slowing his pace so Kion could catch up to him. "The last person I knew that fell in love with a cheetah was exiled on his wedding day."

"I heard that from my dad before, but he didn't explain any of it to me. Can you tell me about it?" Kion asked is older brother.

"Well, the lion was my- our, uncle. He fell in love with a cheetah before I was born but not even a month after my birth they got married... that was one of the most tragic days of my life... I had grown very close to him and seeing him go crushed me. My- our dad said that it wasn't his choice if he could stay are not because it wasn't only against tradition... it was illegal. The law was first established many generations ago during only the second year of Ahadi's reign. Dad said he had no choice.." Kopa said dropping his head down and a tear beginning to form in his eye.

"Wow, I had no idea..." Kion replied with a tear begining to form in his eye.

"But if you really love her then, I guess you should stay with her." Kopa replied.

"Ye, but I love it in the Pridelands... I don't want to go just because of some stupid law made up by my great-grandfather." Kion replied. "I am gonna fight to get the law removed."

"I'm afraid that's not gonna be easy, if you father doesn't approve of it then there's just no way." Nala said as she hurried her pace to catch up with her children.

"I'm still gonna try.." Kion replied to his mothers negative reaction.

"OK, and remember I will always be there to support you in your fight.." His mother replied as he nuzzled her.

At pride rock...

"Your majesty, your family is on their way here, but they have an extra member of their group... and he looks like your son." Zazu said while entering the King's section of the lair.

"my son should be with them.." Simba asked confused.

"No, your first born son." Zazu replied.

Shock grew on his face as he ran out of the den to see his son facing him.

"Hi dad...

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