Chapter two (rewrite)

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Strong gust of wind whistled through the air before it broke through the vines hanging in the entrance of Pride Rock, causing Kion to shiver slightly in his sleep. After a few moments the young lion was awoken and stood up. He shook out dirt from his golden fur before he made his way out of the cave and up to the peak of pride rock.

Kion sat there and watched over the Pride Lands for a little bit before a certain Cheetah popped into his mind, I suppose Fuli is freezing down in the lair. Kion thought as he turned and scaled down the side of Pride Rock and down towards the entrance to the lair.

"Fuli?" Kion spoke in a soft voice as he entered the cavern, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah, I'm awake." A soft voice called from inside. Kion pushed the rest of the way through the entrance and saw Fuli laying on her napping stone, shivering.

"Are you cold?" Kion asked her, though he already knew the answer.

"Yeah, good thing I didn't go back to my den, though. It would have been a lot colder than this." She lifted her head and looked Kion in the eyes, "Did it wake you up too?" She asked in an empathetic voice.

"Yeah..." Kion moved closer until he was just right in front of her, "My dad says I get cold easily 'cause my mane hasn't grown in yet." They both chuckled.

"One day, Kion. Until then, I guess we just have to be cold." She spoke as she turned away, looking slightly miserable.

"There is one thing that could help... we could just curl up together and share eachother's body heat."

Kion readied himself for a harsh retort to his suggestions, but to this surprise, the Cheetah's eyes warmed, "I think that'll work." She spoke softly, innocently.

Kion smiled and climbed up onto the rock next to the cheetah. He awkwardly curled up an inch or two away from her, until Fuli pulled closer and closed the gap, causing their fur to brush together.

Kion hated to admit it, but he was somewhat satisfied with their closeness. The young lion pulled closer to fuli, until their were fully embracing each other in a somewhat of a hug, or at least as close to a hug as possible.

Kion smiled and fell into a light slumber, fully unaware to the fact that the cheetah he was curled up with had a bashful blush crawling across her cheeks.

Young Love- A KionxFuli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now