Chapter 15 Kopa's Return

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The mysterious lion replied, "My name is Kopa... and im back baby!"

"Kopa?!?! That's impossible!" Kiara yelled slightly backing up.

"it's impossible... but you look just like him.." Nala said shocked.

"OK! is SOMEONE gonna tell me who Kopa is?" Kion asked getting worried and confused.

"And is anyone gonna tell me who you are?" Kopa replied with a smirk.

"My name is Prince Kiongozi of the Pridelands, son of Simba!" Kion explained in a very serious tone.

"So the stories are true?!" Fuli said while getting untied by Bunga.

"what stories!? And who are you?" Kion asked even more confused than before.

"Kai(A/N I put 'Kai' on purpose which is short for Kion).. Kopa is your brother.." Fuli said walking up to him.

"WHAT? IS THIS TRUE?" Kion asked turning at his mom.

"Huh.. yes. you had a brother named Kopa.. But, he died." Nala said tipping her head down.

"Umm, well aparently not!" Kion said again. "And why don't I know I had a brother?"

"Me and Simba didn't want you to feel the grief we had, so we told everyone not to tell you." Nala informed Kion tipping her head more.

"Umm, if I may! *Whispers to Kopa* This is the family that ditched you?" An old baboon said walking up behind Kopa.

"*Whispers back* Yes" Kopa whipered to him.

(A/N go read my Kopa one shot)

"OK! listen up! My name is Pata... and I believe you know this child that I raised to be your future king! But you betrayed him, you left him to die. If I wasn't there that day he wouldn't be here seeing the family that left him behind. I believe we have somewhere to be, isn't that right Kopa?" Pata explained.

"Huh.. I guess... but can't I just go visit the rest of them at pride rock..?" Kopa asked with his ears slightly perking down.

"Of course not! they ditched you, ABANDONED YOU! They don't deserve your presence" Pata beamed back.

"Wait! Don't go! PLEASE!" Kiara said. "Don't you remember me? I'm your sister! Remember all the fun times we had as cubs? please stay!"

Kopa looked at her remembering all their good time... "You left him TO DIE!" The baboon said.

"No! No, we thought you were already dead! If we had even the smallest idea you were alive we would have taken you back to pride rock.. please!" Nala pleaded with the brown maned lion.

"He is not going ba-" Pata said before getting cut off by Kopa.

"I will go, but just this once, then I'm leaving.." He said to them.

"Don't you remember? the kenship we had? I have gone this whole time missing it, missing having an older brother to be there for me... Kopa you're the one that turned on us and left... dont you know how you sudenly coming back to life makes us feel? Please come home, and stay with us!" Kiara pleaded with him.

"Kopa, don't listen to them! They left you! remember?" Pata grabbed Kopa's shoulder.

"Pata, please..I want to make things right.. I want to be happy." Kopa looked at the baboon with his ears perking down.

"Huh.. if it makes you happy.. but I am to come with you!"  The monkey said.

"Thanks Pata!" Kopa thanked the old baboon.

"Eh.. it's no problem... Now! Go reunite with your family!" The monkey waved him off.

Kopa then ran up to his mother and nuzzled her.

"Son, I never thought I would be able to hug you again! Let's go home, we have much to catch up on!" Nala said embracing her sons hug.

"And, I believe we have a lot to catch up on too!" Kion said walking up to Kopa.

"Let's walk and talk... I can't wait to see dad.." He replied.

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