Chapter 19 The Gathering

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"Kion, I want Cubs..." Fuli said as she looked at him sadly.

"Ok, we'll have cubs after we are married." Kion replied trying to cheer her up.

"But what if we can't?" She replied nuzzling up to him.

"What do you mean?" He asked his cheetah girlfriend.

"What do I mean? I mean you're a LION and i'm a CHEETAH! What if we CAN'T have cubs?" Fuli started to cry.

"Well, if that's the case.. we can adopt. I'm sure their are lots of orphaned kids out in the savanna we can take under our wing." Kion replied trying to cheer her up.

"Really? But what if we don't get married either?" Fuli said starting to cry again.

"What makes you think we aren't gonna get married?" He asked.

"What if we don't get the law removed?" She asked again looking at him with watery eyes.

"Hey, I'm gonna marry you weather this dumb law is revoked or not! I love you!" Kion replied finally making her smile.

"I love you too." Fuli replied before kissing his muzzle. "should we stay at my den or at pride rock?"

"Let's stay at your den.. it's closer and it's getting dark."


So they went back to her den and fell asleep cuddled up with each other... then a few days past and all the pride lands leaders were all gathered at Mizimu grove.

"Attention everyone! My son will be taking the stage  here in a second! He will be saying some controversial material! please keep your comments to yourself until it is your turn to speak! Kion, you're up!" Simba announced to all the leaders of the pride lands.

"Thx dad! Well as most of you know, Me and Fuli, the fastest in the pride lands, are a couple!" Kion announced

"Ye, I heard! And it's absurd!"

"Well, I think it's adorable"

"Who cares what you think! Why don't you go cover yourself in mud!"

"Hey I'm with her on this! They should be able to be with whoever they want!"

"EXCUSE ME! I asked if you could keep your comments to yourself until after the announcements!" Simba stepped in. "Go ahead Kion!"

"Thanks again dad. like I was saying I am in love with Fuli, But there's a law that states that lions in the pride cannot marry into other species! This law was created many generations ago and we have gathered today to vote to revoke this unfair law!"

"Now, it is time to vote! All those in favor say 'eye' and raise your leg! All those who oppose say 'nay' and keep your leg down! I will only vote if it is a tie breaker, only if it is necessary!" Simba stepped in again.



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