Chapter 5 Bunga is Sleeping

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The day past quickly, the guard didn't do much but Bunga had his hands full. He had been watching kids ALL day. He was super tired when he got to the lair, so he leaned on a rock and fell right to sleep.

"We should go home." Ono and Beshte both said as they left. "Bye guys!"

"Bye!" Kion and Fuli said together. They both chuckled.

"Well I better go home two then" Fuli said, ready to leave. "Oh and do you want to hang out maybe at the watering hole later?"

"Ummm sure." Kion said with a smirk.

After Fuli left, Bunga opened his eyes. "Wow someone got a date."

"WHAT?!??" Kion said without thinking.

"Why are you so mad? You totally like her, and she just asked you out." Bunga said with a smirk.

"What makes you think I like her?" Kion growled a little.

"Uhh, idk maybe the you look at her and how flirty you two are around each other." Bunga explained.

"I.. I think you might be right... I.. Love Fuli..." Kion confessed.

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