Chapter 14 The Battle

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"Kion! Thank goodness you're here! Janja and his clan! they were here! and they took her!" Jasiri came out from behind a rock.

"Calm down Jasiri! Who did they take?" He asked.

"They took Fuli!" Jasiri yelled panicking.

"What?!?!" Kion yelled. "Where did they take her!??"

"To the volcano, but its Janja, 10 other hyenas, probably 8 vultures, 3 crocs and Reirei's  jackal family!" Jasiri warned him with rising panic in her voice.

Kion thought for a second, "we need to gather up my family and the other rogue lionesses!" Kion ordered.

"Rogue lionesses? What happened in the pride lands today???" Jasiri asked shocked.

"Its a really long story! Ill tell you later, but for now we need to find Them! They should just be scattered around the outlands so it could take awhile!" Kion responded!

"Okay!" Jasiri nodded, "Lets go Then!"

They looked for two hours and they found all but one of the lionesses... Potea.

"Where is she?!?" Nala asked with a nervous shutter in her voice.

"You three, keep looking for Potea! The rest of us will save Fuli!" Kion ordered.

"we're here to help too!" Beshte, Ono and Bunga said appearing over a hill.

"Ye, Timon and Pumba told us what happened!" Bunga followed up.

"Good, we're gonna need all the help we can get!" Kion replied with a relieved smile.

The three lionesses went to look for the missing lioness, and the rest of them went to the volcano.

At the volcano... Fuli was tied up with some vines I'm the corner. Janja had 10 Hyenas keeping a close eye on her! Then up above there were like 8 vultures in a dead tree on the other side of the volcano. the three crocodiles were guarding the main entrance.

"Okay, here's the plan!" Kion explained. "You four! Go after the crocs! Everyone else will go after the hyenas, but I need Ono and Bunga to go up to the hole in the top and lure the vultures out! Ono, throw sand in their eyes and Bunga you take 'em out!"

"yes sir!" Everyone replied.

"OK, Ono and Bunga go ahead!" Kion ordered.

So they went up to a hole in the ceiling and Bunga dropped a handful of rocks through it.

"what the? Mzingo! You and your vultures go see what that was!" Janja demanded Mzingo.

"Yes sirrrr" Mzingo responded in his crackly British accent.

"Ono! Now!" Bunga whispered to Ono as the vultures all flew up threw the hole.

"What th- ahh!" Mzingo screamed as Bunga hit him on the head with a rock on the head... He then did the same for the rest for them very quickly.

"The hell was that?" Janja looked up confused.

"GO GO GO!!!" Kion demanded as he and the rest of the lionesses charged in through the back entrance to the cave.

Kion tackled Janja and he had the most scared look on his face Kions ever seen.

"K-K-Kion, w-w-what are you doing here?!?" Janja asked playing dumb.

"You have a friend of mine tied up over here!" Kion sayed growling at Janja.

Janja looked around and noticed that the rest of his hyenas were loosing. But the he used his hind legs to kick Kion off of him and pinned him.

"I think you mean I have a girlfriend of yours! Muhahaha!" Janja cackled.

"Wha-what, how did you know?!" Kion asked struggling to get up.

Seeing their leader being defeated weakened the lionesses and the battle was eventually even. but then...

"Get off of him hyena!" A stranger yelled at the hyena leader.

"Wh-who-who the hell are you?" Janja asked with his ears perking down.

"I should ask you the same question." The mysterious creature then tackled the hyena and growled as the hyena left.

Seeing this encouraged the other lionesses and they quickly battled off the hyenas and they all retreated along with the crocs.

"Asante! But really, who are You?"

The mysterious lion replied, "My name is Kopa...

A/N Ye, another cliff hanger.. I know! I'm evil!

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