Chapter 9 Not Eye To Eye

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Kion went back to Pride Rock after his amazing night with Fuli.

"So how did your date go?" Kiara said from around the corner of the den.

"Amazing!" He replied before realizing the question he was asked. "WAIT WHAT?!?! HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS ON A DATE?!?"

"Well you kinda just admitted to it." Kiara replied with a chuckle.

"So are you and Fuli official yet?" Kiara asked exited.

"Well no not yet... Wait how did you know I was out with Fuli?" He replied confused.

"Because me Zuri and Tiifu were the ones who convinced Fuli to ask you out tonight." She said.

"Tiifu did? I thought she talked her father into the betrothal??"" He replied confused.

"No, I thought she already told you she had no idea about it." Kiara said rolling her eyes.

"Well thanks I guess.. Wait Fuli wanted to go on a date?" Kion said confused.

"Ugh males.." Kiara said rolling her eyes.

"Kion, Kira come eat dinner!" Nala yelled from inside the den.

In the den while the family was eating a gazelle carcase...

"So... Kion went on a date tonight.." Kiara said casually.

"shut up!" Kion replied embarrassed.

"Its nice to see you and Tiifu accepting the betrothal." Simba said proudly.

"But Tiifu has been at pride rock all evening?" Nala said confused. "Wait then so who were you out with son?"

"no.. no one.. Just forget about it." Kion said shuttering.

"We can't forget about this Kion. you are betrothed, you can't just go on dates with other females." Simba said fiercely.

"WHAT IF I DONT LOVE HER DAD!?!" Kion snapped.

"Son! We have been through this once already!" Simba roared. "If you don't love Tiifu then who do you love?"

"I LOVE FULI!" Kion blurted out.

Everyone in pride rock was starring. Jaw dropped.

"Son you can't be in love with a CHEETAH!" Simba said strictly.

"Says who?" Kion replied.

"Your father, AND your king." Simba said with anger in his eyes. "It goes against tradition!"

"You're wrong!" Kion yelled running out of the cave with tears in his eyes"

Nala and Kiara followed after him.

Young Love- A KionxFuli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now