Chapter 3 The Kiss

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Kion was looking straight into Fuli's emerald green eyes, and leaned in closer to her and softly licked(kissed) her on the lips! Fuli was so awe struck.

"I love you Fuli, and I don't care that your not a lion" Kion said with a loving look on his face.

"I... I love you two Kion!" Fuli said excitedly.

Then Fuli woke up in the lair with Kion still snuggled up with her. It was morning.

"Was that all a dream??!??!" Fuli asked herself confused.

"Was what all a dream?" Kion said with a yawn while he got up stretching.

"Oh nothing.." Fuli said with a chuckle.

"Well let's get ready for the morning patrol then." Kion said as he was drinking some water.

"Hey Kion, I honestly didn't know about the betrothal. It was a surprise for me two!" Tiifu said entering the lair. "Hey Fuli, wanna hang out later?"

"Ya sure, is Kiara and Zuri gonna be there?" Fuli asked.

"Of course they are!" Tiifu replied.

"OK I'll see you then!" Fuli said with a big smile.

Later that afternoon...

"Hey girls!" Fuli said approaching the watering hole.

"Hey Fuli!" Kiara, Zuri and Tiifu said together.

"Come for a swim!" Kiara said.

"No thank you. I'm just gonna sit on this rock over here!" Fuli said walking towards a large rock overhanging the watering hole.

"I'll join you" all three girls said together. Before they new it they were all girl chatting when Kiara said...

"So who do you guys like?"

Zuri quickly said, "I like Cheka!"

Then Kiara said, "I like this lion named Kovu."

"I like Nzuri" Tiifu said.

"Wait you don't like Kion??" Kiara and Zuri said with a surprised look, Fuli said it with a relieved look.

"No, we were just randomly betrothed, anyways I couldn't like the guy that my friend has a crush on." Tiifu said.

"Yes true" Kiara and Zuri said.

"wait who has a crush on Kion?" Fuli said surprised.

"you, silly!" The three other girls said in perfect unison.

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