Chapter 20 The Last Chapter

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(A/N Sorry it took so long for this chapter to release. Since it's the last in this book I wanted to make it as good as possible- I also want you guys too point out any mistakes like spelling, capitalization, and punctuation and give me feedback! Thanks! :D)

"The votes are in!" Simba called out to the leaders gathered in front of him. "The law that states that lions of the pride are not aloud to marry out of species is not to be revoked as voted on by the leaders of the pride lands!"

"Kion, Fuli. I am sorry." Nala said as she walked up to the couple.

Fuli leaned on Kion's shoulder, "We can't get married..."

Kion looked down into her eyes, "We will... I promise"

"But I want to stay in the pride lands.." Fuli replied beginning to cry.

"We will. This is only the first gathering of the pride lands leaders, we'll try again the next time the leaders gather to council. We won't give up." Kion promised.

Fuli looked around at the leaders filing out of the grove, "Maybe, but the vote was no where close in our favor."

Kion stood up and started walking away, and fuli got up and started walking with him towards Pride Rock. "Maybe, but they'll have to come to there senses eventually."

A few months past and there were eight more councils, the votes started to weigh out into their favor. This last meeting was only a single vote off from being a tie.

"It looks like we will get married after all.." Fuli said to Kion as they were walking out of the grove. The leaders had just voted and they all were going back to their tress, fields, ponds and mud wollows.

"Yes, we will." Kion said. Fuli looked at the pride in his eyes and wished she shared his confidence.

"Son, I wish I shared your confidence" Simba broke in speaking what Fuli was thinking. "One thing I've learned over the years though is that the Savannah is unpredictable. Let's just hope that this doesn't turn out badly."

Simba left the couple alone after Kion reassured him everything would be fine, and the couple headed for Fuli's den with their tails intertwined.

They got to her den and Fuli laid down, as soon as her head touched the hard, cold stone she fell asleep. She was exhausted from the long days work out on the Savannah. The guard had saved an antelope from falling into he ravine and a honey badger from drowning in a lake, Fuli didn't help with that one but she watched from the bank while Beshte fetched him, but her heart was racing when the poor creature's head went under. Then there was the meeting of the pride land's leaders that was very stressful.

Fuli dreamed that she was in her den with Kion and two little cubs. The first cub was a boy and he had lion fur but no main, and slim, strong legs that would make him a fast runner. The other cub was a girl and she had the golden pelt of a lion and she had very braud shoulders and powerful muscles. then it all disappeared and she was on top of pride rock watching the pride lands burn in a massive wild fire.

She woke up gasping and she started to cry.

"Bad dream?" Kion's voice startled her.

"Yeah, it started out good but then everything went bad."

"Well everything is okay now, so why don't you get some sleep." Kion said while yawning.

"Okay, good night Kion." Fuli said as she rested her muzzle on top of a bed of moss that Kion must have gathered after she fell asleep.

"Night Fuli." Kion said, resting his muzzle on Fuli's head, "I love you"

"I love you too, Kion." Fuli said as she drifted back into sleep.

About 14 dawns past and the leaders were gathered in the grove again for the gathering. Except that there was one new leader in the group. In the last meeting of the leaders it was decided that Jasiri and her hyena pack would be aloud to stay in the pride lands, as long as they kept to a strict diet of scavenged food.

"If you vote to revoke this law, say 'eye' and raise you front paw. If you vote to keep the law as is, keep your paws down and say 'nay'." Simba said, finishing up the announcement.



"The vote are in!" Simba announced. Kion and Fuli started to nuzzle each other tighter. "The votes are tied! As King of the Pride Lands, I will vote as the tie breaker. My vote is to revoke the law." Simba announced,"The law that states that lion of the pride shall not marry outside of species, is here by revoked from the pride lands. Congratulations Kion and Fuli."

"Thank you, dad." Kion said as his dad passed him. "We can finally get married" Kion whispered into Fuli's ear.

"I know, I'm so happy." Fuli whispered back, started to cry tears of joy.

Fuli  and Kion were at the watering hole, and they were resting on a rock overhanging the large lake.

"Hey, I'll be right back." Kion said to Fuli as he was trotting into some bushes.

"OK, don't be too long!" Fuli called after him. It had been a long time since the gathering when the law was revoked. Kion's mane had grown in and Fuli's body was taking shape. They were both stronger and faster.

The sun was going down. Kion appeared out of the bushes with a flower in his teeth. He went up to Fuli and she sat up, and Kion bowed down to her and set the flower at her feet. "Fuli, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Waking up with you, going to sleep with you, playing with you, talking to you. Every second I'm with you is always the best time of my entire life. Fuli, I love you so much and I can't imagine my life without you. Will you spend the rest of your life with me and be my wife?"

Fuli was bursting with happiness. She was crying tears of joy, "Kion, I love you soo much. Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll marry you!"

Kion got up and pushed his muzzle into hers and then kissed her on her cheek. "I'm so happy.." Kion whispered into her ear.

(A/N Thanks for reading! I will be creating a sequel book on this in 2018 called 'The New Generation'! Have a good day!)

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