Chapter 18 Good News

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"Son, go get Fuli!" Simba said giving his son a reassuring nod and smile.

"Really?" Kion asked as he jumped up and his ears perked up with a smile going from cheek to cheek.

"Yes son, I'll gather the leaders and get a date for the council." Simba said before Kion started to run off.

"Thanks dad!" Kion yelled as he ran off of pride rock.

"Yu did good dad. Let me tell you more about Pata!" Kopa said to his dad.

"That sounds great! Lets go inside." Simba replied as he stood up and walked into the den, with all the rest of the lions in pride rock along with a monkey following him in.

With Kion...

"FULI! FULI!" Kion yelled as he walked into Jasiri's den. None of them are here? Kion thought to himself as he looked around the empty cave.

"Hello?! Anyone there?" Kion yellled once again. I'll just wait for them here He thought.

"Hehehe, that was fun! we should do it again some time!" Kion overheard Jasiri say as she walked into her den.

"Ye, that would be nice!" Kion heard another familiar voice, one that made him smile and run around the corner of the den. "OH! Kion, you nearly gave me a heart attack!

"Sorry Fuli, but I just couldn't wait to see you! I have some good news! My dad gave us his blessing and you are officially un-exiled!" Kion replied.

"WHAT?! That's great news!" Fuli said excitedly, before running up to Kion and nuzzling him passionately.

"I love you Fuli.." Kion whispered into her ears.

"I love you too, Kion.." she whispered back.

Kion pulled away from the hug to start a conversation, "So where were you guys off too?"

"We went to the western lands, outside of the pride lands, and hunted." Jasiri said as she joined them.

"ye, it was a lot of fun to hunt with some friends." Fuli said looking at Kion.

"I bet it was, I can't wait 'till I'm aloud to hunt so we can hunt together." Kion replied looked at Fuli excitedly.

"Neither can I.. now let's go home." Fuli said standing up and headed for the exit.

"OK, come back any time!" Jasiri said as they walked out of the entrance.

"Thanks!" They both said in unison.

"We will!" Fuli said to her spotted friend.

"Bye guys!"


On their way back Kion explained the removing of the law to Fuli... She wasn't very confident they would be able to get the law expelled. Once they arrived at Pride Rock...

"Son, Fuli!" Simba said walking up to the couple. "Fuli, I would like to apologize for my behavior towards you. It was nasty and just plain mean. I shouldn't have treated you in such vain."

"It's OK, you were only protecting your son." Fuli replied giving her king a friendly smile.

"Asante Fuli. And Kion! All the leaders of the pride lands will be meeting at the baobab grove in a couple days." Simba told his son.

"Thx, dad. I'll be ready." Kion said to his dad before he walked with Fuli to the guards lair. The guard was relaxing and Kion brought them up to speed with everything that was going on. Then Fuli left and Kion went with her.

"Hey, Fuli! Wait up!" Kion said catching up to his speedy beloved.

"Kion, I want cubs...

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