Chapter 8 The Date

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Kion was waiting in the lair for Bunga to finish combing through his main, and fuli was still drying off from her bath. While she was drying the girls gathered up some mint leaves. Once she was dry she rolled around in them.

"Wow you smell great Fuli!" Kiara said while admiring Fulis scent.

"You look great too!" Zuri said admiring her shiny looking fur.

"And your fur is even softer than before!" Tiifu said while hugging Fuli.

"Well I better get going then!" Fuli said looking at the position of the sun.

"I better go now" Kion said to Bunga once he finished combing his main.

"Bye!" Fuli said while exiting her den.

"Bye!" The girls replied happily.

"Bye!" Kion said to Bunga as he was leaving the lair.

"Good luck! Cya!" Bunga said before jumping into the watering hole in the lair.

Fuli arrived to the watering hole first cause, well she's the fastest in the pride lands. She waited for a second and took a drink of water. Kion walked up the hill by the watering hole. He snuck up on Fuli and pinned her.

"Gotha!" He said with a playful laugh.

"Hahaha ye you win, now can you get off of me please?" She replied laughing.

"Sure" he said whilst letting her go.

Kion turned around for a drink when Fuli pounced.

"Ha!" Now who's pinned?" She said playfully.

Kion was just starring Into her eyes then his head tilted up slightly and there noses touched for a second. Fuli flinched and jumped off of him.

"Oh uh sorry." Kion said embarased.

"Oh umm is OK" Fuli replied. "Let's take a walk and look at the stars."

"OK." He said while smiling. "Look its the big dipper"

"Ye, its so pretty." She said looking up at the constalation.

"Not as pretty as you." He said under his breath.

"What'd you say?" Fuli said confused.

"Uhh nothing, its nothing." He said nervously.

"OK" she said. "Look a shooting star!!"

"Wow, make wish Fuli!" Kion said excitedly.

I wish me and Kion would get married she thought

I wish me and Fuli would get married he thought

"What'd you wish for?" Kion asked with a smirk.

"I can't say or else it won't come true." She replied playfully. "What'd you wish for?"

"I can't say or else it won't come true." He replied with a smirk. "I'm getting thirsty, let's head back to the watering hole."

They talked and laughed the whole way back to the watering hole.
When they got there Kion took a drink of water and laid down on a rock overhanging the watering hole.

"Come here, we can rest and look at the stars." Kion said with a flirty smile.

"OK" she huddled up with Kion.

Sniff sniff "You smell like mints!" Kion said with a flirty smirk on his face.

"Ye I umm fell into a mint bush by my den." She lied.

"And your fur is so soft" he said while cuddling up with her. "Well softer than usual.

"Oh, I fell in a mud hole on my way back to my den from afternoon patrol. I had to take a bath." She lied again. "did you comb your hair?"

"Bunga was messing with it before I left and he messed it all up so I made him comb it." Kion lied.

They talked and laughed for the next 3 hours! Then they had to go. They said night, parted ways and gave each other loving smiles.


Young Love- A KionxFuli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now