Chapter 7 Preparation

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The day past by fast. The guard did their morning patrol without any problems. Then everyone went and rested for a few hours before doing their afternoon patrol. There wasn't any trouble then either, unless you count a baboon with broken leg trouble, then it passed by fast.

I should get ready for tonight Fuli thought right as 3 lionesses walked into her den.

"Let's get you ready to go!" Kiara said with excitement.

"I didn't know you guys were gonna help me get ready?" Fuli said confused.

"We did say we would help you" Zuri replied.

"OK then how am I gonna get ready?" Fuli asked.

"First role around in mud, it'll make your fur soft!" Tiifu replied.

"Then wash up and role in some mint leaves!" Zuri said softly, "they'll make you smell nice!"

"Ok!" Fuli replied happily.

Kions POV

"You should get ready for you date!" Bunga whispered to Kion as he entered the lair.

"What did you say little B?" Beshte asked confused.

"Oh, nothing...!" Bunga replied quickly.

"OK we are gonna head home!" Beshte and Ono said together.

"kk bye!" Kion and Bunga said together.

"cya!" They replied.

"OK so first you need to take a bath!" Bunga said. "Then I'll use my claws to comb your main, or part of a main hehe."

"Its growing in! And thanks for your help Bunga, you're a good friend!" Kion said softly.

"No problem! Now get ready for your date!" Bunga said eagerly.

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