Chapter 4 The Girls Help Fuli

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"WHAT?!?! NOOO I DON'TT!" Fuli growled.

"Chill out, its super obvious!" Kiara said.

"Ye like the way you look at him, and how you play with him. Also last night you guys cuddled up with each other! So adorbs!" Tiifu said with a little squeaks in her voice.

"Huuuh.. You guys are right... I do like Kion. But he's betrothed and he's not even the same species.." Fuli said in a low voice.

"You're both cats aren't you? Anyways a betrothal can be called off if they are seeing other people." Kiara said.

"Yea I guess you're right!" Full said with a high pitch squeal.

"And we're gonna help you!" The three lion cubs said together.

"Thanks guys..." Fuli said softly.

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