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"Welcome to Chicago, the heart of America," Dean Winchester crowed out as he swung into a parking space in his precious Impala, the breaks squealing as the car sloppily parked. He turned and grinned at his younger brother, Sam, and then glanced in the back seat towards Castiel the Angel and Kevin Tran, the prophet.

"Why are we here, Dean?" Castiel asked in his gruff voice, frowning at the man in the front seat, who was currently cracking his knuckles and glancing at his face in the rear view mirror, probably trying to discover whether or not he looked good enough to leave the Impala.

"I already told you, Cas," Dean replied nonchalantly as he opened the glove box, pulling rolls of ones and twenties out and stuffing them in his pocket, "Two reasons, one, because there's a big bad running a muck in this beautiful city and two, to get you children laid," Dean didn't specify whether he meant just Castiel and Kevin, whose eyes both widened, or Sam as well, who just rolled his eyes.

"Laid?" Kevin repeated, as if he had never heard the word before, "Don't we have more important things to do?" He continued, causing Dean to look at him in horror and Sam to smirk down in his lap.

"Kevin, please, turn your smart, Asian brain off for tonight, and let daddy have a little fun," Kevin shivered at Dean's choice of words but didn't pick up the thread again, Kevin knew that in the end Dean would win, no matter what.

"You can play after we do what we came here to do, Dean," Even if Kevin was smart enough to close his mouth to avoid arguing with the Hunter, Dean's brother wasn't. Dean glanced at Sam with an incredulous look before rolling his eyes, undoing his seat belt and pushing the Impala's door open with a loud screech.

"Come on, Sammy! Just tonight! Please!" Dean cried, before pulling Castiel's door open for him and letting him fall out of the Impala to follow suit. Sam glared at Dean for the longest of time before he eventually rolled his eyes and climbed out of the car, Kevin following as they all headed into Dean's choice of places. The Pentagon.

As soon as they entered the building, a wide smile crossed over Dean's face as he saw the faces - and the busts - of all the woman walking around, before the smile was wiped straight off of his face as he realized where he was.

"Wow, classy, Dean," Sam rolled his eyes, not yet realizing the extent of his brothers mistake. Usually, Dean would just pick a bar or a club, not a full blown brothel, and if he were to pick a brothel, it surely wouldn't be the one they were in right now.

"Hi, I'm Belle," A gorgeous brunette came up to the four slack mouthed boys and Dean was quick to close his mouth and look the girl up and down, loving what he saw, except wishing they were somewhere else.

"Are you a, a?" It was the first time Dean had been left speechless in front of a woman before, and he didn't know what to think of it, but thankfully the girl just laughed his nervousness off.

"A prostitute?" She guessed, and Dean nodded slowly, "Well, I prefer the term escort, all of us do, but yeah, yeah I guess I am," She smiled a beautiful smile, revealing a set of perfect white teeth, "First timers? Well, I could start you off with Ariel, she's very gentle. Or if you're looking for something a little more... rough, I'm pretty sure Alice is free right now," Belle smiled at Dean and he had already guessed that Belle wasn't her real name, just like Ariel and Alice were most likely not the other girls names.

"Uh, no," Dean cleared his throat, "We're not first timers," He told her, causing her to look up and down his frame guiltily, before focusing back on his face with a generous smile.

"In that case," She eyed Dean suggestively, "We have anything you're looking for, Asian, brunette, blonde, red head, rough, gentle, what will it be?" Belle glanced at the other three boys behind Dean, who had by now discovered the secrets The Pentagon was hiding within its walls.

"Ooh, an angel, we don't get a lot of you in here," Belle grinned at Castiel, who was looking warily from Dean to Belle, wondering if Dean had known about The Pentagon before he had walked in, but the surprised expression on his face showed that he hadn't.

Then, a blonde girl walked up to Belle's side, covering her ear with her hand and whispering in her ear. Belle nodded stiffly and glanced back at the four still in the doorway, her smile now forced.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't realize who you were. I, um," Belle glanced at the blonde for help.

"We don't like hunters here," The blonde said, in a strong soprano tone of voice, "I think you should leave," She looked at Belle and then at Castiel, "Though if you want, I'm sure Belle would love to take you into the back and... show you around," A seductive smirk crossed the blonde girls face and Belle flushed red because the hunters were staring at her incredulously.

"Alice..." She warned, but the blonde shook her off.

"Sorry, we didn't realize what this place was," Sam said quickly, before tugging on his brothers sleeve and pushing him towards the exit, "We won't bother you again," He lied, knowing that he and Dean would be back.

Seeing as The Pentagon was a brothel for monsters, and the Winchester brothers were hunters - and they refused to let any monster who killed innocent people live another day.

State of Seduction. // Dean Winchester COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now