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Anger still bubbled in my stomach and rose to my throat, where I continued to spit out hateful words about Dean and keeping secrets to Olivia and Brax three days later. The rage that boiled away inside me hadn't subsided any and I wondered if Sam and Dean had left my apartment or not, I didn't know, I hadn't been back there and I had to borrow a pair of Olivia's pants because Brax didn't like that I was walking around in barely anything. They still listened to everything I was saying, even though I probably sounded like a broken record because what I was saying had been on repeat for days now, but they didn't tell me to shut up. Though if it had been one of them in my position, I would have kicked them out long ago.

It was also the day before the full moon was at its highest peak in the sky and so Olivia was feeling very agitated and hateful, therefore was agreeing with everything that I was saying way too easily, also adding her own spiteful words to my mix of hate. Olivia's attitude wasn't helping mine lessen anymore, because usually she would be the one saying that yes, I had a right to be mad, but not for this long and that I should go and fix things with Dean and hear him out, whereas Brax usually said a few words and was done. But this time, Brax was just trying to keep the both of us happy before he was stupid enough to set a werewolf and an intensely angry human on himself.

"Liv," Brax said as he checked the time on the watch he wore that had been passed down through the males in his family, "You should probably go into the..." His voice trailed off but we all knew that he was talking about her cage, he just didn't like the fact that he had to put his wife in a cage three times a month. It wasn't even a cage necessarily, it was just a bedroom that had been remodelled with deep padding like in solitary rooms in mental houses, with a reinforced silver door so that Olivia didn't even want to touch it. It really was a smart idea, and I knew that they hadn't had a problem with her getting out of it for years.

"But," Olivia said to her husband, her tone still annoyed, as it had been the whole time we had been discussing Dean, "I'm not finished bitching about the douche," I flinched at my friends use of the word 'bitching', of course, that was what we were doing, but having her say it like we were just a couple of petty teenagers discussing a friend we weren't getting along with, well... I guess I kind of noticed that I was being a stupid idiot. I didn't say anything as Brax argued that tomorrow morning after the moon went down she could come out and continue bitching about Dean with me, but right now she had to get inside her room and make herself comfortable before the moon peaked.

The two lovers continued to bicker for several minutes before Olivia sighed, breathing in a deep breath and realizing that she was getting too angry and it was time for her to go to her cage, which would be where she would stay until the sun had risen and the moon disappeared. As Brax helped her get settled, I stayed in the living room twiddling my thumbs. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on top of them, wondering why I was still so angry with Dean. Rationally, I knew that I was overreacting and that I should have just accepted that he didn't tell me about Cora simply because he was trying to protect me. But I wasn't a rational person, and that was the problem.

There was a furious knock on the front door to Olivia and Brax's apartment and I glanced at it before I glanced down the hall, but Brax didn't come running and I assumed he was still dealing with Olivia, because we all knew what a handful she became if she didn't get in her cage early enough. So with a sigh, I heaved myself up off of the couch and went to the door, ignoring the peep hole that was too high up for me to even try to put my eye through -- but once, I had seen a horror movie where someone checked the peep hole and someone poked some sort of weapon straight into their eye -- and opened the door, blinking several times at the sight that lay before me.

"Mason!" I cried, throwing my arms around my older brother and hugging him tight. He had only been in Rhode Island for the week, but I had still missed him. The two of us had a very close relationship and I hated not knowing whether he would come back alive from a case or not and when he came back without a scratch, I was always overjoyed. Mason and I pulled away from the hug we had shared and he proceeded to look me up and down with pursed lips before he sighed and shook his head, "What?" I asked, frowning as I looked down at myself. It wasn't as if I was looking slob-like and dirty, I was clean and I had showered that morning.

"So Dean called," I groaned as soon as he started talking, "And said that you two are fighting again," I was pretty sure that Mason was resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the news that Dean and I were fighting... again. Honestly, I wouldn't blame him, I was getting pretty sick of it too. It was either hot sex or hot war with Dean and there never seemed to be any middle ground. I don't know, maybe that was supposed to be telling me that I needed to turn tail and run as far as I could in the opposite direction from him, that we were no good together, but I didn't really want too. I guessed I'd always loved things that were bad for me, like peanut butter tim tams.*

"He seriously needs to stop getting you involved," I muttered, folding my arms over my chest.

"I agree," Mason said, "But I still think that you two should probably deal with your shit. Because I'm super tired of getting calls on hunts that you're fighting again," I was about to interrupt and say that it wasn't my fault because I wasn't the one that called him away from a hunt, but he held up a finger to shush me, "But also because you two have something great, and you shouldn't mess it up because one stupid fight after another," I didn't reply after that, because I knew he was right. Mason was always right.

* tim tams are australian. they're chocolate covered tastes of heaven.

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