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Cigarette smoke swirled up into the dark night air as I exhaled the last of the cancer stick before dropping it to the ground and rubbing it into the grimy alley way floor with the toe of my high heeled shoe. I pulled my black trench coat tighter around me, running a hand through my long, curly locks as I leaned back against the mossy brick wall of the alley.

I felt exhausted, tonight was one of the harder nights at The Pentagon. It was busy, and not just averagely busy like a normal brothel, it was over the top busy - so busy that most of the girls were tied up with clients all night and when one of us did catch a break, we were always needed behind the bar or on the floor.

My neck hurt and even though I had drank plenty of water and chewed on plenty of sugary lollies, I still felt lightheaded because of the feeding. The Pentagon being a monster brothel, we got a fair few monsters coming through each night - seeing as we lived in Chicago - but we got more than an adequate amount of vampires coming through our doors, always demanding blood from the source.

I gingerly touched the bite mark at the base of my neck, a stinging sensation rolling all the way down to my toes as my fingers made contact with the wound. Jacob Kane had been through tonight, he was a regular vamp, and I was the only escort he was ever with.

He was wealthy, attractive and muscular, but very, very rough. Especially when a feeding is mixed in with the sex, he tends to get a tad too ferocious and more than once have I had to call out the safe word and get him to back down.

As far as vampires go, Jacob was pretty plausible, and I liked him a lot. He always paid straight up and gave me a large tip afterwards, he always brought me jewelry or flowers or sometimes chocolates when he came in, at least once a fortnight, but sometimes he was just hard to handle.

I rolled my head around, wincing as it pulled at the fang marks as I closed my eyes and leaned further into the wall. I thought I was going to be fired, or suspended tonight, because of my mistake with the four men who looked utterly surprised.

At first, I had thought they were all just regular humans that had stumbled into The Pentagon by mistake, until I noticed the look in one of their eyes that told me he was an Angel of the Lord. I didn't know which Angel, and that had been my first mistake.

Until Ava had come up and whispered to me that the men I was standing in front of were Hunters - the Winchester's and their company, to be exact - and it was all I could do to keep a smile pressed tightly onto my face.

Since I had began working at The Pentagon, Dallas Braylen - the Kitsune that runs the place - has told me all the signs that the people that walk into The Pentagon are Hunters, and the one time I got to experience it firsthand, I had completely blanked and not realized until Ava saved my ass and stopped me from letting them in.

It wasn't like I was a stranger to Hunters, either. Since I was four, I had known about the world of the Supernatural. Even now, my brother Mason and his best friend Trent, were Hunters, and I lived in a small apartment with them. I should have known the Hunters that walked into The Pentagon tonight were in fact Hunters, let alone the Winchester brothers.

A loud vibrating noise began to buzz and I fished my phone out from my coat pockets before glancing at the caller ID and answering the phone with a quick, "What?".

"That's no way to answer the phone to a family member," I rolled my eyes at Trent's retort.

"We're not even related, Trent," I quipped, "What do you want?" Usually it was Mason that called me around this time of night, wanting to know where I was, what I was doing, when would I be home. Because, of course, Mason nor Trent knew about my job at The Pentagon, God, if they knew all hell would break loose.

"Mm, no, we're not. So why won't you go out with me, hey, Kale?" I rolled my eyes again, it was a joke between Trent and I, that I refused to go out with him. He had been asking me for three years, since I became legal, and refused to let it go even though there was so many reasons it wouldn't work.

Me not being interested and Mason never allowing it being some of those reasons.

"Tell me the reason you called in the next three seconds or I'm hanging up, unless you called just to ask me out again," I scoffed, but I figured Trent calling right now had nothing to do with asking me out once again but with something else.

"Mase's phone is dead and, uh, are you at home?" I thought for a second, if Trent was asking me if I was at home, that probably meant that the two of them weren't, so I took a risk.

"Yes," I replied, "Why?"

"Mase and I are tracking down a family of Amazons in Missouri and probably won't be back for a few days, can you handle life while we're gone?" Trent told me and I bit down on my lip, in some ways, this news was very very good, it meant I could pick up a few extra shifts at The Pentagon and buy myself those Jimmy Choo's I've had my eye on but haven't been able to buy because Mason would notice I had bought two pairs of incredibly expensive shoes too close together, and seeing as he thought I was a manager at a hotel out of town...

"Yeah, yeah, its fine," I waved it off before thinking of something witty to say, "Did you leave money on the counter for dinner?" I heard a burst of laughter from Trent and a groan from my brother, in which I assumed the phone was on speaker in Mason's SUV.

"Goodbye, Kale," My brother called over the phone before the line went dead and I was left yet again by myself in the alley way, tempted to light up another cigarette before heading back inside to wait for Emma to finish her shift so she could give me a lift back to the apartment and save me the dizzy walk back, thanks to Jacob and his knack of taking too much blood at once.

I pushed myself off the wall, ready to go back inside and stay out of sight from the customers who would think I was still working, when a throat cleared from somewhere near the mouth of the alley and I turned to see who was there.

"Why do you work there?" He dipped his head in the direction of the door that would head into The Pentagon and I glanced at it, wondering if I should ignore him and go inside or stay and make conversation with Dean Winchester.

"It pays the bills, doesn't it?" I replied, turning back around and crossing my arms over my chest. I didn't know whether I should have been scared or not, but I felt numb in the famous Hunters presence. He was leaning against the opposite wall to what I was and was looking me over with greedy eyes.

"You lied to whoever was on the phone just now, you said you were at home," He said, ignoring my quip about paying the bills, knowing good and well that that wasn't the reason I worked at such a crude place like The Pentagon, not that it was that bad or anything anyway.

"Well, how would you like to find out the girl you're living with is a prostitute?" I winced at my own words, I hated being called a prostitute, whether it was by myself or others. I much preferred escort, or even stripper, though being called a stripper didn't quite fit the bill of what I did for a living.

Dean's eyebrows widened, "Your boyfriend doesn't know you work here as a, an escort?" Though he picked the correct term for my career of choice, he still picked the wrong words for the other half of the sentence.

"Ew," I crinkled my nose, "Not my boyfriend, my brother and his best friend," I didn't know why I was telling him this, and I didn't know why he wanted to know. All I wanted to do was slink back inside and wait for Emma to finish her shift so she could take Bianca and I home - seeing as we lived next door to each other.

Dean nodded, "They're hunters, actually," I said, not entirely sure as to why but now that the words were out, I couldn't exactly take them back.

"Who are they?"

"Mason Reed and Trent Archer," I froze as soon as I said it, this wasn't like telling Dean Winchester that Mason and Trent were Hunters, this was signing my death wish. If he knew who my brother and Trent were, he would immediately know who I was, and by the look on his face... He had already figured it out.

"Your name's Kale, isn't it?" He asked, pushing himself off of the wall and taking a step towards me. Which I responded to by taking a step back, nearly stumbling on a crack in my high heels but regaining my balance just in time.

I didn't reply to his question, but that seemed confirmation enough, "I've worked with Mason and Trent on a case before," He told me and I perked up, not having heard about this before, which was strange. Mason and Trent were the types of people to boast, and me not knowing that they had worked a case with the Winchester's deeply confused me.

"Yeah, there were a family of Djinns hiding out in backwater Indianapolis. Mason and Trent helped Sammy and I out, we'd never faced a whole family of the things before," I remembered Mason telling me the story about the Djinns in Indianapolis, but recalled nothing of him being with the Winchester brothers.

"Mase didn't tell me you were with him," I said quietly, glancing down at my phone which was still clutched tightly in my hand, it was 2:59 AM, one minute until Emma finished her shift and would be looking for me.

"Yeah, well, we told him to keep it quiet. We were kind of wanted back then, by everyone, and we didn't want them to get caught up in the crossfire of Hunter and Monster," Dean shrugged, as if it was no big deal to him, but it still didn't explain why Mason hadn't told me, even Trent, who couldn't keep his mouth closed to save his life.

"What are you doing in Chicago?" I couldn't help myself from asking, even though the clock on my phone had ticked past three am and any second Emma would be sticking her head out the door to look for me, and see me talking to Dean Winchester - the Hunter.

"Well, there's a big bag terrorizing your city, and then we were going to be heading off," He said and I bit my lip, I knew what it was and I knew who it was, but I was determined not to say anything and end up on the things hit list, "But now I think we've found a reason to stay,".

I wasn't sure whether he was talking about me or The Pentagon, but either way, it caused a shiver to roll up the back of my spine and make me feel severely sick, just as Emma opened the back door to The Pentagon and called my name, stopping short when she saw me, and who I was talking too.

"Well, see you around, Reed," Dean winked at me before he disappeared back around the mouth of the alley and I was left with a pounding head, dizzy vision and Emma staring at me as if she was seeing a ghost and the only thing I could mutter in response to Dean's goodbye was a small, "I hope not,".

First chapter is up! I hope you like it, and I'll try to have another up by next week! (Though SAC week is next week so I'm not sure how well I'll go with updates???) But please comment, heart and follow for more updates! Also, check out the tumblr page for this fan fic, where I will be posting updates, sneak peaks, gif sets and manips of this story! stateofseductionseries.tumblr.com...

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