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I remembered when I was younger and all my friends and I used to speak about prostitution as if it was some huge sin and that anyone who was involved in it - whether you were paying for it or getting paid - should be banished to Hell. But what did it matter now? I was going to Hell anyway, I was on the Devils hit list, along with the rest of my family. I may as well go out making money for something that I enjoyed doing.

That was what I had always believed anyway, that I enjoyed what I was doing. Working at The Pentagon, sleeping with monsters, letting them feed on me, getting money for it. But these days, I wasn't so sure. I knew that I wouldn't stop doing it anytime soon, because of Dallas, and how even if I wanted out I couldn't get out.

The mirror in front of me showed a stranger, I knew that I had been processing my looks in front of a mirror a lot lately and that it was becoming cliche, but I couldn't help it. I didn't look like the girl I knew. I looked tired and drawn out, with dark bags under my eyes that I had to slap concealer over to cover. Again, I was wearing a large gauze on my shoulder and a turtle neck to hide the bite from Mason and Trent, though no matter how much I did try to hide it, they knew something was wrong. They didn't know what, but they knew something.

Apart from the aching in my neck and my obvious distaste for my reflection, I was conflicted. I mean, obviously I was conflicted, about everything. But I was conflicted about Dean Winchester. We had obviously shared a moment on the hood of his car the previous night and I didn't know what to do about it.

On one hand, I still hated him. He was rude, manipulative and he smirked in any situation and it drove me crazy, particularly because he wouldn't tell me how he and my brother met, nor where I was when they were hunting the Djinns, nor why they were hunting the Djinns together. It bothered me deeply. But then on the other hand, he seemed to care about me. He was handsome, protective and he wanted to kiss me last night.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I leaned my elbows on my bathroom counter, leaning my head down and sighing as I closed my eyes. I wanted out, of everything. I wished that I had never learnt about any sort of supernatural creature or being or hunters, I wish I had never been exposed and I wished that I had never grown up in a world full of the things that lived in my closet.

As I took deep breaths to calm myself, I heard laughter from the living room and I raised my head, looking in the direction of the door. Mason was out and I was pretty sure Trent wasn't just laughing at the TV or something he had read, he must have been talking to someone. Curious, I pushed open my bathroom door and left my bedroom, walking towards the sound and raising an eyebrow when I saw Dean Winchester and Castiel sitting on my couch with Trent, who looked content and at home with himself.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as Dean's head swiveled around with a genuine smile lighting up his face as his eyes rested on me. A shiver rolled down my spine, and I wasn't sure if it was because I liked the way he was looking at me or because of the opposite. Trent seemed to notice the way Dean was watching me as well, and the laughter fell from his face and was replaced with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips, he didn't seem happy about that.

"Just dropping by to see you, actually," My eyebrows raised to my hairline in surprise and shock for the Winchester's words, I had expected them to be here to talk to Trent about that case they were working on that was damn near ending my life, literally.

"Why?" I asked, suspicious as Trent tried to compose his unhappy expression with a smile. I assume it had something to do with the more than friendship side of Trent when it came to me, because otherwise he would just be angry like Mason was when the Winchester's and their company came to talk to me.

"Well," Dean glanced at Castiel, "Kevin is starting to feel like a little kid, and we were wondering if you'd like to come have dinner with us tonight, just to make him feel better, you know. Because you're closer to his age than the rest of us..." Dean rubbed at the back of his neck with his hand, symbolizing that he was nervous about something. But I just smiled, and with my response, Dean smiled too, light in his eyes shining.

"Yeah, sure," I said, before adding, "I get how it feels to be the youngest of the group, I'll come hang out with Kevin," At my remark, Dean's smile dropped and I knew that I wasn't being invited to dinner just for the Asian boy, it was more like Dean wanted to spend more time with me. I smirked and winked at the older man, letting him know that I knew exactly what he was talking about when he wanted me over for dinner and he looked away from me quickly, before a smile crossed his face.

"Dean will pick you up at seven," Castiel spoke in his stiff tone that reminded me that he wasn't actually a human, but an angel of the Lord. I grinned, this conversation had been previously rehearsed, I could tell. Dean just wanted to spend more time with me, albeit. At least, that's what I was gathering.

"Sure, sounds great," I spoke smoothly, taking a glance at Trent whose expression was cloudy. Dean and Castiel bid their goodbyes, Dean still with a little smile on my face and after I closed the door on them, I swung myself down on the couch, throwing my legs over Trent's lap and leaning into his shoulder.

"Don't freak out," I whispered into his neck, this was what the two of us did. This was just our relationship.

"I'm not freaking out," He replied, his arm slithering around my waist and playing with the bottom of my jumper, I pulled his hand away with some retaliation but gave him a look, no. See, Trent and I were like this everyday, but whenever he did things like that it bothered me. Because I started to think that the little crush he had always had on me wasn't just a little crush.

"Don't be jealous then," I told him, giving him a little kiss on the cheek before standing back up and running a hand through my long hair. I wasn't working tonight, which was good. Dallas's assistant had called me this morning and said don't bother coming in tonight, he had found out about my attack out in the alley last night and was willing to give me the night off.

Though I wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not, I mean, he could just be letting me off before he killed me and ate my brain, just like a usual Kitsune would. My heart thumped, reveling in this new piece of information my brain had provided me with while I gave a strict smile to Trent before wandering back off to my room, sitting on the floor by my bed and wrapping my arms around my legs, staring off at a wall.

I knew being involved with Hunters was going to get me killed sometime, one way or another.

Sorry I haven't updated in a week, but I did have exams, which are over now so updates should be more frequent again. I'm not at all happy with this chapter but I hope you like it. Honestly, I'm starting to ship Trent and Kale, do any of you? Or are you strictly Dale/Kean (Dean and Kale haha)? Or do you ship a different pairing, like Kevin and Kale or something else! Let me know. I might make something happen between Trent and Kale if you don't tell me what you want ahahah.

State of Seduction. // Dean Winchester COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now