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When I entered the back room to place my bag and coat down and to check my hair before I started my shift, I noticed the blood in the sink. It was rubbed into the sides and looked to be a fair bit of it. Whoever's blood it was, they must have been in a hell of a lot of pain.

Upon seeing blood like this in any other situation, I would have called an ambulance, but this time, I knew that wasn't the answer. I pushed some hair behind my ear before I gently pushed the door to the toilet open, seeing what I had been expecting. Lacey Goodwin, one of my fellow escorts, was curled up in a ball on the floor, her head resting against the toilet seat and her hand covering her neck. A vampire. Of course it was a vampire, nobody caused blood loss quite like they did.

"Hey, Lace," I spoke carefully, gently. I was probably making a mistake by speaking her real name but right now, I didn't really care. While working, Lacey played a woman named Giselle, from the movie Enchanted purely because she was sweet, trusted too easy and was clueless about most things that went on around her. Usually we had her stay away from the vampire part of The Pentagon, because she never knew when to say stop, and apparently tonight was one of those nights.

I didn't touch her, I stayed where I was in the doorway. This was business, even if she was a friend, I couldn't touch her and get blood all over myself as well, because Dallas would sniff it out and then it would be mine as well as her head on the chopping block, and Lacey wanted that less than I did.

"Shit, Lace," I turned when I saw Ava walking in, also using Lacey's real name and pulling her hair up in a messy bun before coming to stand by my side, "What the hell happened? You told me you had him under control," I looked expectantly over at Ava, wanting her to tell me what exactly Lacey was to have under control.

"Vamp," Ava rolled her eyes, she was a lovely girl, but wasn't exactly known for her empathy, "His name was Ennis or something, demanded attention, we were all busy and Giselle offered. So she took him back and when he came out, she didn't. She must've gotten over here somehow, I don't know," Ava shrugged, not caring too much. Ava was the type of person where if she didn't care for you through and through, she would throw you to the sharks herself to save her own skin. Which might be the problem in this situation.

"Look, here," I scrambled in my bag for my pill bottle of Chlobixycin before sprinkling two of them into my hand and passing them to Lacey as Ava got her a glass of water, "Swallow these and in no time, that bite will just be an old scar that will remind you never to go with vamps again!" I scolded her as she smiled weakly, washing down the pills and laying her head back down on the toilet seat.

I looked at Ava, "Is your shift finished?" She nodded, "Can you clean up some of the blood? Sorry, you know I wouldn't ask but if I don't get out there, I'll be the next one," Ava knew what I meant by the next one, she and I both knew I meant dead. The next in a long line of dead bodies that trailed along behind Dallas Braylen, the most dangerous Kitsune I had ever encountered.

"Yeah," Ava sighed, the good nature of her shining through as she out herself out for Lacey, even if it might end in her death, but Ava didn't exactly want the blonde girl on the toilet floor to die either. I smiled in gratefulness before I glanced in the mirror at my reflection again, going out of my way to avoid the blood in the sink before I sighed to myself and went towards the door before Ava stopped me with one last piece of news, "Belle, that vamp that did this to her, he's still out there, he's waiting for round two," She warned me and I nodded, before swallowing and suddenly happier than I usually was to have taken a Nostyban pill before I left home.

Everyone knew that I dealt best with vampires, whether it was because I used to hunt them, or I had more blood than other people, I always handled them better, I always survived. Though after seeing Lacey on the floor, blood spraying out of her neck as she struggled to keep her hand over it, I wondered if I would survive this vampire, and it put a damper on my whole perspective.


So far, it had been so good. Bianca had pointed out to me who the vampire who had gone a little too rough on Lacey was, and Ava had indeed gotten his name right when she called him Ennis. I recognized the face, not because I had slept with him before, but because in certain states he was wanted for murder, though he always slipped through the authorities grasp because he was a vampire, and monster of all type was welcomed here. Even if they were a mass murderer even wanted by human authorities like Ennis was. He was maybe in his twenties, or hundreds, I didn't know, with dark skin and no hair, and was eyeing me off from the moment I had switched from Kale Reed to Belle.

I had expected him to come straight over and slip me a hundred dollar bill before demanding we go into one of the rooms and only there would he give me the rest of what he owed me, but he hadn't come anywhere near me yet. He just stayed watching me from a distance, even though I knew and was clearly waiting for him to come over, even if to just get it over and done with.

I had been through four different clients already, and I felt saw and sick and there was only five more minutes to go until my break and I could go and take another Nostyban, which I was becoming incredibly dependent on. As the seconds ticked by, I began to wonder why the vampire was just staring at me and why he wasn't coming over. He would have left already if he didn't want another feast - whether sexually or food wise, that didn't matter - but he was still here, so he must have wanted something.

I glanced at the clock again and it was time for my break. I headed off to the back room to pull on my black trench coat and get a cigarette before I headed towards the side door that opened into the familiar ally where I had first officially met Dean Winchester.

I lit up my cigarette and was about to take the first drag when there was a loud noise in which I glanced at, before I was knocked off my feet and pushed against a wall, three feet in the air. A scream bubbled up my throat and out of my mouth as I felt teeth bury into my neck and I began to feel the familiar sensation of blood being sucked from my body. I screamed again before trying to get out of the grip I was in, to no avail. It was Ennis, I knew that much. Though I didn't know why he hadn't just approached me in the brothel, I would have let him feed on me, it was apart of my job description.

Unless his intent was to kill me. Thinking this, a bloodcurdling scream ripped its way out from between my lips as my hands pushed against Ennis's chest before falling slack at my side, I could hardly breathe. My feet couldn't touch the ground and I could hardly feel the grimy wall I was pushed against, I was beginning to lose consciousness.

"Hey!" A loud, deep voice interrupted Ennis and his feeding frenzy and he dragged his mouth away from my jugular, turning and pushing me against the ground, where I landed in a flop and didn't move, my eyes beginning to flutter closed as I couldn't hold on from serious blood loss anymore, before I realized it was Dean Winchester fighting the blood stained vampire. Ennis took a swing at Dean, and Dean retaliated before Ennis shoved him hard in the chest and ran, not even bothering to finish off his meal - me - before he split.

Dean came rushing over to my side, forgetting completely about the rogue vampire that had just attacked us both, before he slung his arm around my waist and picked me up, telling me to stay awake as he told me we were going to a hospital.

"No," I shook my head weakly and I could feel him staring at me as I rested my head against his shoulder, "No, just... My bag in the back room of the club..." I trailed off before Dean urged me to continue, "It has a drug named Chlobixycin in it, it will help me heal... Just get me the bottle," I couldn't go to the hospital, because if I went to the hospital, they would inform Mason that that was where I was and my whole cover would be blown and I couldn't afford that, not yet. Not ever.

With a lot of complaining and a lot of persuasion, Dean eventually left me lying and bleeding in the alley way to go and get my bag, before coming back and nearly shoving four of the little white pills down my throat, even though you were only supposed to take two every six hours.


"Feeling any better?" Dean asked me an hour later as the two of us sat on the hood of his Impala, overlooking the Chicago city lights on top of a large cliff, and I fantasized jumping off of it as I clutched Dean's leather jacket around me more to shut out the cold, seeing as my coat was covered in blood. I looked over at him sitting mere inches away and smiled weakly, I was feeling better. If only slightly. The Chlobixycin was running through my veins, making more blood and repairing any skin blemishes - like the big hole in my neck.

"Thanks, by the way," I murmured quietly as I struck up another cigarette, seeing as I had never been able to smoke the one I had lit up previously, seeing as I had nearly died from a vampire named Ennis sucking out all my blood and everything.

"Don't mention it," He shrugged as he glanced over at me and scoffed, rolling his eyes as I released the drag I had been holding in, "Smoking kills, you know?" Out of all the things I had picked Dean Winchester to be against, smoking had never been one of them and I was surprised as he said that.

"Not as much as vampires, apparently," I replied and was rewarded as Dean cracked a smile and I unconsciously moved closer to him so that out shoulders were touching. I tried to tell myself that I was just cold, not because I thought he was pretty when he smiled.

"You're something else, Reed," He told me with a shake of his head before his green eyes bored down into my brown ones. As he smiled and looked at me, I wanted to kiss him. It was irresponsible, impossible and never going to happen. But I still wanted to and as his eyes fluttered down to my lips as I licked them, I thought that maybe he did too. I could have kissed him, I guess. Right there, right then, I could have pressed myself up against him and pushed our mouths together and played with his hair, but I didn't.

"I want to kiss you right now," I was stunned by his words and I had to grip at the Impala's hood to keep from falling off and making a fool of myself. I wanted to kiss him too, so bad, but I couldn't. I wouldn't. Not like this, an hour after a near death experience and when I still knew nothing about the Djinn case Dean and his brother had worked on with Trent and my brother, not when I treated myself like crap and had a job as a prostitute. If he kissed me now, everything would be ruined before it would even get the opportunity to start.

"Don't," I whispered as his lips grew even closer to mine, so as I spoke, my cigarette scented breath washed over him. He looked hurt and confused before I hurried to explain myself, "Not now, not like this. Not while I'm..." I thought of the correct word to say, "Me,". For anything to happen between Dean and I, even just a kiss that would mean nothing the next day, I would need to change.


I'm not sure if this chapter moved to fast and didn't explain enough but I hope you liked it. Its a nice long one (I think???) and I'm surprised I got it out, but I am home sick the day before my exams start because I literally cannot talk and I can hardly breathe and I dreamt I was the hulk last night so there you go. Would you mind commenting? I don't want to come off as greedy or rude or anything but I'm used to a lot more comments and I really enjoy hearing your opinions :)) What do you think about Kale and Dean's relationship, or Ennis, or Kale in general you know? Is she likable or...?

State of Seduction. // Dean Winchester COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now