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"Snap," I said, just before slapping my hand down on a sizable pile of cards. I looked up at my brother, who flexed his jaw and glared before grinning at me, which I gladly returned before Mason began laughing, making my smile drop as I glared at him, "What?" I asked.

"You don't have to say snap when you hit the cards, Kale, you just have to hit them," I didn't know how many years I had been playing the childish card game with my brother, but every time we did play, he lectured me to stop saying snap when I snapped the cards, even though I never saw the problem in doing so.

"I know that, Mason," I drawled his name, "I just want to say it anyway," I rolled my eyes, though in my mind I wasn't even the least bit annoyed with him for continuously pointing out my flaw in the mediocre game. I loved the sibling rivalry Mason and I shared, I just didn't like it when the sibling rivalry graduated to full blown fights - namely about the Winchester's.

"Seriously?" Mason shook his head and laughed, "You still act like a five year old, Kale, and how old are you now?" My brother sat back in his seat at the kitchen table before crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows, genuinely waiting for an answer from me.

"Twenty four," I muttered, crossing my own arms over my chest and looking away from him. It was like this a lot of the time with Mason, Trent and I. If the boys had no hunt to scavenge off too, they usually just laid around the house and if I was a home, we would play childhood games - usually snap and go fish - and watch bad TV movies together. I didn't know how I stood spending so much time with the two boys, usually they just made fun of me or Mason was annoying me or Trent was hitting on me, but I did. Because they were the only two people I had that I truly loved.

There was a knock on the door and Trent moved from the couch to get it as Mason seemed oblivious to it, I knew it was Sam and Dean Winchester at the door and that any time soon, Mason would stand on his haunches and get all Alpha male with the two other hunters. But for right now, Mason hadn't realized and he was laughing so hard at my statement of my age that he was almost at the point of slapping his knees, I just watched him with mild amusement as voices sounded and I ignored them as Mason continued giggling.

"What did you do to him?" Trent asked from somewhere behind me, I just shrugged and shook my head, keeping my eyes trained on Mason. He had tears coming out the side of his eye and he was holding his stomach as he failed to gain control of himself.

"Seriously?" I mimicked his earlier words, "How old are you?" He stopped laughing then, his little boy smile dropping as he glared at me before he stood and pulled me into a headlock, grinding his fist along the top of my head as he pulled me out of my seat, making my knees collide with the floor and a small pain shooting up my body.

I screamed out as I laughed, "Get off!" I cried, clawing at Mason's arms as he called me a knucklehead before he finally let me go and I stood as quick as I could, my arm shooting out from my side and punching him hard in the arm, probably hurting myself more than I had hurt him. I instinctively reached up to smooth down my head as I looked up at our guests, surprised when I saw four of them instead of two. Sam and Dean were there, watching Mason and I with wide eyes, while the Asian and the Angel I had seen at The Pentagon last week stood a ways behind them, also looking surprised at what they had just seen.

"Screw you," I muttered to Mason as I offered a smile in the direction of the Winchester's and their company, "I'm Kale," I said to the two I had seen but did not know behind Sam and Dean, praying they didn't say anything about 'Belle' or seeing me at The Pentagon, I didn't need Mason and Trent finding out about that, especially not tonight.

I had made a deal with myself that I would be as pleasant as pie to the Winchester's, even only if to piss off my brother, not that that was what I wanted to do. I just knew that keeping my secret and making my life easier would involve being nice, and not being a little bitch whenever they were concerned.

"I'm Kevin, this is Castiel," The Asian boy, who looked no older than eighteen, introduced himself and the Angel, whom I now had a name for. I smiled at him, which he replied. He was probably glad that there was someone else around who wasn't so much older than him. I was twenty four, he looked to be eighteen. Then the age jumped to twenty eight and thirty for Trent and Mason, and I didn't even know how old Sam and Dean were, nor did I even want to know the age of Castiel the Angel.

"Have we met?" Castiel's expression looked confused, his lips pursed and his eyes narrowed into slits as my blood chilled and I froze, all the blood draining from my face. No, no, no. I had a good thing going on at The Pentagon, and I didn't need it ruined. Working there was how I dealt with all the things that go bump in the night being real.

"No, I would remember an Angel," I responded as quickly as I could after my chilling fear had ceased and I kept a smile on my face, suddenly anxious for the night to be over. At my words, Castiel's eyes widened to their natural shape and his lips turned up into a half smile and my stomach un knotted slightly.

"So, I got told the deal was dinner?" Dean smacked his hands together, rubbing them up and down, indicating that he was completely ready for food. The food I'm pretty sure Trent hadn't even bothered ordering yet.

"Oh, yeah," And my suspicion was fulfilled as the twenty eight year old male scrambled behind the kitchen counter and coming out with an armful of takeout menus, "What do yu feel like?" He asked, a grin taking over his face as he spread all the menus over the bench and I saw our guests eyes widen.

"We eat a lot of takeout," I commented, "I can't cook, Mase is even worse than me and Trent would rather die than be a housewife," I shrugged, explaining my family as we were continued being stared at b the four men that crowded our apartment.

"So lets order food," Mason spoke for the first time since calling me a knucklehead and threatening my hair, "And then we can discuss that case you were telling us about the other day," And suddenly I understood. Mason and Trent were playing an ulterior motive for being friendly with the Winchester's, they were going to work another case with them. I just hoped it wasn't the one that involved the recently deceased Harrison George, Dallas, and The Pentagon.

check out what i made for this story! (yes, i know its crap but omg i made it) http://37.media.tumblr.com/b052dc6243d6d98fc774744d4477526d/tumblr_n628en78VK1tajs6ao1_1280.jpg

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