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Hearing that my only friend that hadn't been apart of the supernatural world, was in fact, apart of the supernatural did wonders for a persons sanity. And by wonders, I mean that I had already been hanging onto the edge of sanity by my fingertips and now I was pretty sure I had moments left before I fell into the deep abyss and I never returned the same person was. Sam watched me as I fumbled for a seat at the dining table and sat down in it, putting my head in my hands. I had thought that the Dallas Thing was over, I had thought that I was safe again. Dean was back, I wasn't a prostitute, I had thought that everything was okay. Now I found myself mumbling that I wanted my brother, I wasn't sure why, maybe because he was the only family member I had left or maybe he would be the only one to actually slap me out of whatever self problems I was dealing with.

"Are you okay?" Sam seemed nervous, like he had set something off inside of me that he wasn't experienced enough to deal with. I didn't know, maybe he had. But all I felt right now was anger at Dean for not telling me what was going on, mixed in with numbness that spread through my body like heat. I kept my head in my hands and wondered how I was going to deal with this situation, because obviously I wasn't going to be able to ignore it until it went away. Because we all knew how well that had worked for me in the past, and how I barely escaped with my life both times. Looking at Dallas and the Crimson Plague right now. I couldn't deny that I felt sick, after Dean left and Cora and I had become friends, I thought she was normal. And I thought being friends with her would make me normal. But she hadn't been normal the whole time and it was giving me a headache.

"What is she?" If she had something, anything, to do with the Dallas Thing, then there was no doubt that she really was a supernatural creature. My only problem was that I didn't even have a guess as to what she could have been, I hadn't noticed anything inhuman with her every single time we hung out. Some part of me hoped that Sam and Dean were wrong, that Cora had only been brought into this because of Harrison, her boyfriend, and that she wasn't an evil bitch on the inside behind that pretty face of innocence. My head was still in my hands and I didn't think that I had the energy to move it from there, even though I was filled with rage, the numbness seemed to be taking over and I just felt tired. Why couldn't I have just one normal thing in my life? Why did absolutely everything have to revolve around the supernatural?

"We, uh, don't know," Sam told me, rubbing the back of his neck in an awkward manner because he didn't have any answers for me, "But we have some suspicions," It was then that I raised my head from my hands and glared at him. I didn't know why I was so angry with Sam, I mean, it was Dean that hadn't told me anything, but Sam was here. Running a hand through my hair, I wished that Dean was awake and here right now so that I could slap him. I got that he didn't tell me because he didn't want me to be scared, I understood that. But it would have been so much better if he had just told me what was going on, at least that way I would be able to look out for myself and not do stupid, reckless things that would get me killed. At least if I knew, I would be freaked, but I would be able to protect myself. It made me so angry that Dean thought that he could decide what was best for me.

"So what are your suspicions?" My voice was filled with acid and it rained over Sam, causing him to flinch and glance towards the hallway where Dean wasn't coming to save him from my wrath. I knew I was being stupid, but that didn't mean I wanted to stop doing what I was doing. Somebody needed to pay for putting me in a situation I didn't want to be in; unknowing and unprotected. Yes, Dean was probably with my at all times so that he could protect me at all times, but I could protect myself as well. I came from a Hunters family, I was good at it, I lived with two Hunters. The bottom line was that I was a Hunters daughter, and that sort of thing rubbed off on a person. I could easily protect myself against anything that came at me, as long as I knew what was actually going on and not just half assed explanations that made me even more scared than I needed to be.

"Maybe a fairy," Sam assessed my reaction and my jaw clenched, there were so many holes in that theory, "Or a siren," I wanted to slap him, and myself. I wanted to poke holes in that theory as well, but the fact was, there wasn't actually any tangible evidence that said that Cora wasn't a siren. In fact, the only tangible evidence I could think of pointed to her actually being what Sam and Dean seemed to think she was. I remembered the way she was such a touchy feely person, always hugging me hello and goodbye... Even though it was fairly obvious that I wasn't that sort of person. I swallowed back bile, feeling even sicker than I had when Sam had first told me it was Cora that they were laying their suspicions on. But now that things began to make sense in my head and I was past the state of denial, I stood up from the chair and glared at Sam before yelling Dean's name at the top of my lungs. 

He could come out and explain to me what they thought himself. He could come and tell me that he thought my new friend was a siren that was apart of the Dallas Thing -- although, one thing I couldn't figure out was why would Cora have waited so long to strike, she had me in her hands. Especially if she was a siren, she would have an extra special hold on me. I started to feel sick again. Dean hurried out from the hallway that my bedroom was situated in, rubbing his bleary eyes and only wearing a pair of low waisted sweatpants, shirtless. I didn't let myself get distracted by how perfectly chiselled his body was -- there would be plenty of time for that later, at least, there would be if Dean was still alive after I was finished with him. Or if I was still talking to him, because I was beyond pissed with him right now and I was barely holding myself together. My life had turned into a complete shit storm since the Winchester's turned up and I was done with it.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" Dean rubbed at his eyes again before he noticed his brother and I standing side by side. His eyes flickered to Sam's rigid, guilty looking body to my pissed off stance and he seemed to wake up a little more and quit rubbing at his tired eyes. He glared at Sam for a really long time, obviously he had figured out what was going on. My arms were crossed over my chest and my foot was impatiently tapping against the floorboards, waiting for an explanation from my boyfriend or whatever the hell Dean was to me, seeing as we had never actually talked about being an official couple. All we ever seemed to do was have sex and then every now and then he'd save my life and we'd fight and then we'd make up. But that didn't matter now, I promised myself not to become distracted with anything right now, especially not petty relationship issues that only I cared about.

"So why didn't you tell me?" My lips were pursed and as Dean looked over me, I think he finally understood that he was in big trouble and he whisked a shirt up off the back of the couch that he had left there yesterday and pulled it on quickly, making it a lot easier to be mad at him.

"I didn't want you to think you were still a target, Reed. I was trying to protect you," His reason were justifiable and I understood that, I had understood why he had kept it from me in the first place. But that still didn't mean that it was his choice to do so.

"I can protect myself!" I couldn't resist shouting, "But don't you think I deserve to know if I'm still a target or not, Dean? I thought I was safe and I had my guard down! I'm not going to do something stupid if I know I'm in danger! I'd just be more careful! Fear won't overtake my life anymore, but you don't get to make that decision for me, do you understand that?" He seemed to listen to everything I said, but just because he seemed to listen doesn't mean that he heard what I had said and I waited for him to slip up and say something stupid.

"Okay," He said finally and I was honestly, pleasantly, but honestly, surprised to see him back down so easily and so quickly, "But I really was just trying to protect you," His voice was soft and sorry and this should have been the time where I backed down, sighed and told him that I understood that but to never take my free choice away from me again. Instead, my anger flared again and I rolled my eyes before I headed for the door, yanking it open and ready to leave.

"That wasn't your choice to make," Then I slammed the door shut behind me before I realized I wasn't wearing any pants.

State of Seduction. // Dean Winchester COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now