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When I woke up, I was expecting to be in my own bed with the late morning sun in my face. Boy, was I mistaken. As I rolled over, I made an impact with a hard chest and froze. Opening my eyes, I broke out in a cold sweat. Dean Winchester was lying naked next to me, fast asleep. At least, I assumed he was naked, because the sheets were covering his lower half. But I was naked, so I could only assume the same was for him.

Getting out of the bed, not bothering with covering myself because Dean was fast asleep, I looked around for my clothes. My head pounded with a hangover and I let out a quiet groan as I clutched at my head before locating my underwear and the rest of my clothing. Hurrying to do up the buttons on my coat, I glanced over at Dean as he shifted in his sleep. I wasn’t going to deny that he looked cute while he was unconscious, but that didn't mean I was stupid enough to let the events of last night happen again.

That could never happen again. It would never happen again.

Not because I didn't enjoy it, because of what I could remember, I was the one who initiated it. Which must have meant that in my drunk stupor, I was really attracted to Dean Winchester, enough to have sex with him. And though that didn't mean much because of my profession, it meant a lot to me because I never slept with men for free, that wasn't how it worked. But everyone knows that if you want to know the truth, just get someone drunk. Whatever happens, they'll let you know the truth in a state of fuzziness.

Dean shifted and I froze in mid action of putting on my shoe which Dean must have politely placed in his hotel room last night after I had kicked them off at the bar, oh yeah, I remembered that part. And the part where Dean nearly killed someone for dancing with me, and the part where he had a crush on me like some pre pubescent teen in high school, it was kind of cute really. But that was about where my memory halted.

Obviously still in a deep sleep, Dean didn't move again and instead nuzzled deeper into the pillows. Picking up my bag, I tip toed as quietly as I could to the door in heels, which wasn't too loud because the floors were carpeted, and prayed that the door didn't squeak when I opened it. Thankfully, it didn't. And after I had closed the door behind me, I let out a loud breath that I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself, half because I would have to walk home in six inch heels and half because I had literally just slept with the guy I kept promising myself I wouldn't sleep with. Running a hand through my morning after hair, I finally noticed the fact that it was dark. This bothering me a great deal, I took out my phone and looked at the time. 9:00 PM. How had I not noticed when I was shacked up in that hotel room with Dean that the light had gone from dark to light to dark again? How long had we even been asleep?

Hurrying down the street, I realized the hotel was only a few blocks from Grace Towers, and before I knew it I was home, practically running inside. Struggling to find my key in my bag, I heard the door of apartment 309 open and a guffaw of laughter and tinkling giggle. I groaned, turning around to see Olivia and Braxton Kyle, thinking it was absolutely hilarious that I was struggling to get into my apartment with sex hair and last nights clothes, while Bianca stood a ways behind her sister and gave me a worried look. Knowing her, she had already guessed who I had spent my time with last night and was worried for me, what if Dallas found out? Oh, god, what if Dallas found out?

"Taking the walk of shame, hey, Kale?" Braxton chuckled, putting his hand on his hips to keep himself upright. I gave him a snide look and flipped him the bird as I got my door open, sighing in relief. I turned back to my friends, giving them a wry smile.

"Come on, laugh it up," I said, "You don't see this everyday," I rolled my eyes, annoyed with my friends immaturity. Although, I guess it wasn't that immature. I was taking the walk of shame, and that was funny in any account and they were married, they had to find the walk of shame for the single life hilarious. Bianca pressed her lips together and pleaded me with her eyes that it hadn't been Dean Winchester, I just looked away, which gave her enough confirmation.

"No," Olivia said, her voice kind and high, "I don't think I've ever seen this, as long as I've known you," Liv had known me a while, but I agreed with her statement wholeheartedly. I don't think she had seen this before. She probably thought I wasn't getting laid, even though I was having a lot more sex then she thought.

"This is new," Brax agreed before walking forward and picking me up around the waist, squeezing my middle and twirling me around, making my stomach churn and my head throb, "You've finally gotten laid!" He sung as I had to close my eyes from the dizziness.

"Oh, my god," I said, my tone thick, "Put me down or I will puke on you," I told him and he did what I said, stepping away very quickly which made me crack a smile, "Where are you going at 9:30 on a Friday night?" It was a stupid question albeit, it was Friday night. In Chicago. It was pretty obvious they were going out drinking. I pushed my hair back with my hands and sighed, putting it up in a messy bun as I waited for their reply.

"Drinking," Brax said, "Wanna come?" He raised his eyebrows up and down at me suggestively and I poked my tongue out at him and scowled.

"Thanks," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm, "But I think I'll stay in and get over this hangover before I have to go to work," I inwardly groaned. Work. I would have to go there tonight, stinking like sex and Dean Winchester. This was not going to end well.

"By the way," Olivia asked as they had began walking down the hall, "Why are you coming home so late? Walk of shames are usually in the morning, in case you didn't know," She took a stab at me and I rolled my eyes.

"You don't want to know," Then I smirked, winking before I walked inside and shut the door behind me. God, had I just said that? I wasn't have supposed to enjoy last night, it was a mistake and nothing else. Mason and Trent had obviously cleared out, the apartment was empty and there things were gone -- along with Mason's favourite tea cup because he never left home without it, it was a chipped old thing, but he still refused to get rid of it.

Dropping my bag on a bench stool and taking off my coat, I pushed off my shoes and headed into the bathroom, popping a Chlobixycin on the way. I figured it would get rid of any unwanted hangovers, just like it got rid of unwanted skin deficiencies. Sighing, I turned the hot water tap in the shower on and stripped down to nakedness before stepping into the steaming water, closing my eyes and washing my hair.

I was so tired, so hungover and so distracted by my fault with Dean the previous night that I didn't even realize that Mason or Trent hadn't left me a message, like they did for every single night they were away.

State of Seduction. // Dean Winchester COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now