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Graveyards never held the same emotions to me as they did to other people. For other people, loved ones resided beyond the wrought iron gates and under tombstones and six feet of dirt, rotting away in a wooden box. For me, I felt numb as soon as I passed the gates. Except this time. This time I felt cold, like a spiny hand was running its fingers down my back, shivers finding their way through my body. I felt sick to my stomach as Mason and I treaded through the grounds. I didn't know what was wrong with me this time I entered a graveyard but I knew that I wanted to leave it. I had a very bad feeling as Mason sat underneath a large oak tree and I joined him, not letting him see that I was uncomfortable.

If he knew how I was feeling at that moment, he would never let me go on another case with him for a long time, maybe not ever again. And I wanted too. I wanted back in the game, pretending bad things like this didn't happen was never a smart move on my end, I had been an idiot and had made all the wrong decisions for three years of my life and I was ready to right those wrongs by hunting the bitches that murdered innocent human beings instead of having sex with them for dirty blood money. I wanted to hunt. I didn't know what had snapped within me in the last few days but I knew that I wanted to protect myself and I wanted to protect people who couldn't protect themselves because they didn't know what I knew. I wanted to save lives.

"I don't know if anything is gonna show up tonight," Mason broke the silence in the semi darkness, like a knife slashing through the flesh of a man. I looked at him, pointing my torch at his face, which he squinted and pushed away from him. I hadn't noticed but my brother had looked like he had aged. Not a lot, but a noticeable distance and when I thought good and hard about when the difference had appeared and why I hadn't noticed it until now, I realized that Trent looked the same as Mason. They didn't necessarily look older, like the kind of ageing wisdom and maturity does to you, more like the kind of ageing that happened when you had seen too many bad things in the world and it was finally catching up to you.

"Are you okay?" I didn't mean to say it out loud but I did want to know if everything was alright inside of my brothers mind. He had bags under his eyes and he kept sniffing like he was getting sick. Mason looked at me with a raised eyebrow, wondering why I had asked him that. He didn't reply to me though, he just looked back out over the graveyard and swept his torch light across the grounds to see if there was any movement, but there was none. Everything was the same and he was trapped under an oak tree with his pestering younger sister and his tired mind, "Maybe you should've sent Sam and Dean on this case instead of coming yourself, you look like you need a huge rest."

"Kale," Mason looked at me with a hard glint in his eyes as if I had just said something offensive, which to him, I had. "Are you telling me that the Winchester's can do this job better than we can? Our reputation isn't tainted with innocent bodies left behind us in a trail," He seemed harsh and on his toes, it made my stomach feel worse as the bad feeling grew closer and the hand on my spine clenched tighter.

"No, Mason, that's not what I'm say--" He cut me off.

"Well, it sounds like it Kale so maybe you should just shut up." I was taken aback, not once had my brother told me to shut up outside of a joke. That was when I knew something was really wrong with Mason, and probably Trent as well, and when I knew I wanted them out of the field -- at least temporarily. It was also when I noticed the two people watching us. I whirled in the direction of the two standing bodies, trying my best to push back what Mason had just said as I stared open mouthed.

"Malia?" Still whirling from Mason's harsh words, I couldn't put two and two together as to why my friend was standing with a buff looking guy in a graveyard in the middle of the night. She cocked her head to the side as Mason and I stood from our seated perch and put a hand on her hip, looking fierce and dangerous with our torches shining on her.

"Oh, honey. I'm not Malia," It was then that my eyes cast downward and noticed the fresh looking blood caked on her shirt, and the bloody hands of the man standing slightly behind her. What I wanted to do was yell and cry and demand to know what had happened to my friend but something told me Mason's reactions would be dulled and slowed and so it was up to me to get the upper hand before we were jumped by the pair of Ghouls, in which one of them had used to be one of my best friends. So instead of screaming and tearing up, I pulled my gun from the back of my pants and shot, directly into Malia's chest, right in the middle. Of course it didn't do much, just caused her to stagger back a few steps and clutch at her skin suits chest and it made the man growl, but it gave me the time I needed to yell at Mason and pick up one of the machetes we had brought with us.

I didn't look at Mason as I swung at Malia, missing her by inches. She laughed, dancing around my slashes until I changed my tactics, I stopped trying to cut her head off. And instead I cut off her hand, stunning her. I remembered who I was at the sight of the blood starting to spray from the stump of arm. I remembered that I was a hunter. I remembered that I was William Reed's daughter and I was a hunter by blood, I remembered that I was a good one. And that was when I threw the machete while Malia was still looking down at where her hand lay on the ground and cut her head clean off. Bother her head and body crumpled to the ground and as they hit the floor with a thud, I crumpled down beside her. But I didn't cry.

I could hear Mason still fighting the man but I knew he was winning so I didn't think to help. I just stared at Malia's head, disconnected from her body like that. I knew I hadn't killed my friend, that she was already dead, but it still made me heart clench and my breathing sputter. It was also then that I realized how much I had missed killing creatures, and how many more I wanted to kill.

i know. its been four months. i'm sorry, i think i realized that i don't want to write while i have time, but only when i'm busy as hell, hence this update. i go back to school on thursday and i'm in year 12 so basically i have no idea how this year will go. i will try to keep writing, i'm just busy and complicated. i love you all and thank you so much for sticking with and supporting this story even though i've been absent for four months. just drop me a comment that you're still interested in reading more and i'll try my best to go again soon :)

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