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Somehow, Dean had managed to get me to stay in bed for a week straight, though I had really only needed a few days of bed rest. I had been taking Chlobixycn by the handfuleven if it was potentially dangerous, though my wounds had healed right up and I felt so much better. The only thing that hadn't gone away was the bloody cough; Chlobixycn was designed to heal skin tissue and broken bones, not internal bleeding, which I had decided was the problem. I knew that I should tell somebody as soon as I could, or maybe just Castiel so he could heal me with a touch of his fingertips, but it wasn't about me right now. Though Trent was up and walking around with the aid of crutches, Mason wasn't.

Mason was still bed ridden and by the looks of things, he would be for quite a while. Whenever I went in to the hospital to see him, he was either unconscious or he was so pumped up on morphine that talking to him was a wasted effort. I wanted to be there at all times, I wanted to hold his hand and make sure he was okay, but as Trent had said, my health was important too. I was sharing my Chlobixycn with Trent to heal his broken leg, but it was still going to take several days to heal completely. I would have shared my witch medicine with Mason as well, except I didn't know what good it would do him. His injuries were more internal than they were skin deficiencies and broken bones.

Sam and Dean had called in their father figure, Bobby Singer, from Sioux Falls in South Dakota and he was currently sitting at my kitchen tables with the Winchester's, Castiel and Kevin who had been passed out in their motel room during the whole escape plan thing so he couldn't get hurt, which he wasn't happy about. I knew that Trent was listening in to their conversation from the couch where he had muted the TV and was just staring at it. And I knew that Ava was still rolled up into a ball on Trent's bed in his room where she had been sleeping while he slept in Mason's room while Mason was in hospital. She had killed somebody, and even though he had been the root of all her problems, she was still too scared to leave the room for anything.

Pulling a brush through my hair and ignoring the fact that it was so tangled that brushing it didn't help in the slightest, I pulled a patterned sweater over my head and left my bedroom, pausing before I showed myself in the living room and kitchen to cough, putting a tissue to my mouth just in time for little spatters of blood to come out of my mouth and fall into the white tissue. I clenched my teeth once I was done coughing and walked back to my room, depositing the used tissue in the trash and pulling several more out of the box and putting them in the back pocket of my jeans for later. Walking back out into the open, I smiled at Trent who gave me a wave in response before I walked behind the kitchen and bench and to the fridge, pulling out a water bottle and taking a much needed sip.

I was still waiting for Trent to say something about my working at The Pentagon, but I figured that he was either trying to forget about it -- something I could never do -- or he was waiting for Mason to get healthy again before they started in on me. I knew that they would say something, it wasn't in their DNA to just let something like this go. I had been lying to them about where I worked, what I did, for three years. They couldn't possibly just want to forget about that. I was their sister, the thing that always brought them back to Chicago, somewhere I hoped that we would be able to talk about leaving after Mason was discharged from the hospital. Glancing over to Dean at the table with the other men, a small smile graced my face, maybe he would let me come with him and the others. I knew that it was a long shot for him to want such a thing, but maybe we could work it out.

I had seen a lot in my twenty four years on this horrible plane that was just a grazing sight for Heaven and Hell to do their picking, and I had gone through a lot as well. And through those twenty four years, never once had I gotten close enough to a guy to even consider the things I was considering when it came to Dean. I knew we hadn't known each other long, and I knew we hardly knew each other anyway but for some reason, I just wanted to go wherever he did. Maybe it was just because I had never been in love before -- not that I was now -- and this was all new to me, but I didn't want to leave his side. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he had saved my life more than once and he pressed my buttons in a way I'd never had them pressed. I'd had sex with a lot of guys, but I'd never had sex with quite as much emotion as I had when I had slept with Dean Winchester the second time. I wasn't ready for him to leave quite yet.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked as I leaned over Kevin's shoulder to look at all the newspaper clippings and books sprawled out on my kitchen table. I didn't really have to ask, I had seen this scene with Mason and Trent a million times and when I was younger I used to help my dad find his own cases, what they were doing wasn't a strange thing to me. But it made me sad, because if they were scouting for cases, it meant they were leaving sooner than I thought they were.

"We think there's a Ghoul in Washington," Sam told me, his voice soft as he played with the ends of his growing hair as he continued to look over the maps and clippings and old, musty books. He had just confirmed what I had already known, but it sounded real when he said it out loud. They were leaving, to the other side of the country. Washington DC wasn't exactly around the corner from Chicago, Illinois.

"Oh," My face dropped, "So you're leaving?"

"Yeah," Dean looked up at me, his face devoid of all emotion as the hurt on my face was obvious, "We're not going anywhere until Mason gets out of the hospital though, so don't worry about that," He shook it off, as if them leaving before Mason got out of the hospital was all I was worried about. But if they were waiting for my brother to get discharged before they left, at least I had some time. I stepped away from the table and sighed, running a hand through my hair before I headed towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked, his face suddenly a mask of anger as I moved to leave my apartment. I furrowed my eyebrows, I swore we had had this conversation last night when I had gone downstairs to get some more Chlobixycn from Daisy.

"Next door to hang out with some friends?" I ended up sounding more like a question than a statement.

"No," He said simply.

"No?" I asked. I got why he didn't really want me to leave the apartment complex, because he was worried that something would happen to me because he was on high alert after the whole Dallas thing, but it wasn't as if I was leaving Grace Towers, I was going next door, "I'm going next door, Dean. To see friends. You remember what those are, right?" I narrowed my eyes, annoyed that he was still trying to tell me what to do, even after I had told him so many times he didn't have a say in what I did or did not do.

"Don't you dare leave this apartment, Kale. It isn't safe out there!" My eyebrows shot up at his claim, partly because I was surprised at his harsh tone of voice directed at me and partly because he had told me himself that their was nothing else to worry about after Dallas was killed.

"I thought you said it was all over now?" I tested, I wondered if he knew something I didn't or if he was just trying to 'protect' me, if not letting me leave my house even though I was twenty four was protecting me.

"It is," He didn't sound very convincing and I bit back my next question so that I wouldn't scare myself so soon after nearly scaring myself to death last week, "Just, don't you dare leave this house," It sounded more like a threat than a suggestion.

"Dean, I'm sorry to tell you this. But you're not my father, you're not my brother and you're sure as not my boyfriend, you don't get to tell me what to do, that isn't how it works," I told him.

"Then make it work, I don't want you leaving this house right now,"

"Get over yourself," I scoffed, before proceeding to leave the apartment and let myself into Olivia and Braxton's apartment, where the two of them plus Bianca and Emma were sitting on the floor with a beer in their hands, laughing at something funny one of them had said.

State of Seduction. // Dean Winchester COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now