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""Are you heading off now?" Trent had told Mason of my evening plans and he was reacting differently than what I had expected. I had been expecting yelling and grounding, even though I wasn't fifteen anymore. I hadn't expected my brother to just wring his hands and give me an unconvincing smile that everything was alright.

"Yeah, are you okay?" I said, flipping my curly hair over my shoulder and clutching my coat tighter to me. I was wearing a pair of leather leggings, paired with an orange blouse and black heels. My throat was healing well, yet there was still scabbing that would turn to scarring before disappearing all together. Hence my coat, the collar was pulled up and hiding my neck from Trent and Mason's view. Mason gave me another unconvincing smile and I pursed my lips, "I don't have to go?"

"No, no," He ushered, "Go," He told me, making a bigger effort to smile and this time I just sighed and turned to leave the apartment before he stopped me, "Hey, Kale, Trent and I won't be home when you get back. We're going hunting," Just hearing the word hunting made a shiver roll down my spine. Every time someone brought of hunting to me of late I would flinch and check over my shoulder to make sure that no one was looking at me and ready to report back to Dallas.

"What are you hunting?" I asked, my voice a few decibels higher than it had been, but thankfully Mason didn't seem to notice. Trent came out of his room then, lugging a duffel bag full of clothes and a larger bag filled with his weapons that he would be taking with him on the trip. Mason still looked unsure, over what, I didn't know, but it bothered me.

"Kitsune," Trent called, my blood turning to ice in my veins, I opened my mouth to talk when Trent beat me to it, "In Ohio," I released the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. As relief flooded through my system, I offered my brother a smile.

"Sounds like a super time," Sarcasm laced my voice, as it usually did regarding a hunt, "When will you be back?" I knew that Ohio would only take about five hours to get to, and I wanted to know how long they would be gone.

"By Monday night," Mason nodded at Trent, who nodded back in agreement. I did a quick calculation in my head of what day it was now. It was Thursday night, so I would be in the apartment alone for three or four days. And though there would be no hunters around to get me killed, there would also be no hunters around to kill for me. I wasn't sure whether I should be feeling relieved or afraid. Although, I guessed, if I was too scared to stay in the apartment alone, I could always call Dean.

"Okay," I said in a small voice, stepping forward and wrapping my arms around Mason, hugging him tightly as he did the same for me before I pulled away, smiling at him as he returned it. I walked over to Trent and leaned over the kitchen bench, kissing him on the cheek before grinning and turning back for the front door, "I'll see you in a dew days," I told them as they uttered their goodbyes, "I love you," I added as an afterthought, I pulled the door open and waited for their replies.

"I love you, too," Mason's voice rang strong, and though it ignited warning bells in my head as Trent echoed him in a loud voice, I waved my hand behind my head and walked down the hall, not turning back. I shouldn't have been so worried, it was just a Kitsune in Ohio, they had dealt with plenty of them before.

Dean was leaning against the hood of his Chevy Impala in the Grace Towers parking lot, his arms crossed over his chest as he stood with a brooding expression wearing his worn leather jacket. He stood up straighter as he saw me, looking me up and down and letting out a low whistle, "Jeez, now I feel bad we're not taking you to a fancier place," He said and I giggled, opening the passenger door and sliding in. The other three boys must have been finding their own ride there.

"Nah," I waved him off as he started the engine, "Its just a thing I do, I try to never leave the house without looking like a million bucks," I shrugged, it was true. I had always had the problem, I would look and act like a complete and utter homeless person within the walls of my own home, but as soon as it was time to step out into reality, I would try my best to look okay. I saw Dean checking me out in the corner of his eye as he swung out into the oncoming traffic at the same time.

"Well," He said, voice low and gravelly, "You look like two, so congratulations," I couldn't keep the little flattered smile off of my face as I stared straight ahead, careful not to look at him. We drove for about ten minutes before he pulled into the Plymouth Restaurant and Bar and got out of the car. I had been here several times with Olivia and Brax and I actually really enjoyed the food, and they made a killer Sex on the Beach, they made the best ones I had ever tasted - but they also made you drunk a hell of a lot quicker than beer.

"Are you trying to get me drunk, Dean Winchester?" I asked suspiciously as he laughed at me, holding the door open for me as the two of us walked inside. There were several people loitering around the bar and some couples at the tables, I instantly saw Castiel, Kevin and Sam at a back table booth and Dean and I headed over to it. I pulled my coat off and placed it over the back of the booth before sitting down next to Kevin, seeing as I was supposedly here for him, with Dean sliding in to my other side.

"Hey, Kevin," I greeted the younger boy and he grinned at me, looking more at home now than he had before for some reason, "Hey, Kale," He replied to which I smiled at. He looked like a nervous teenage boy on his first date, and we weren't even on a date.

"What do you want?" Dean asked, his lips so close to my ear that I jumped and looked at him, only to see he was indicating the drink board. I raised an eyebrow.

"Sex on the Beach," I answered him, causing him to take a second do a double take. I giggled and pressed my hand over my mouth as he asked me what I meant, "As in the drink, jerk," Sam reached across the table and hit his brother in the shoulder, who glared at him in response, muttering an "I knew that" as he got up to order.

"My brother has a huge crush on you," Sam said as he watched Dean walk away. Though stunned by his words, it didn't stop me for long, I turned around to look at Dean who was ordering the drinks from a pretty waitress, oblivious to the fact that she seemed to be flirting with him, which seemed like a strange thing for him to do to me, and to the others as well, as they all sat with confused expressions as they watched Dean.

"Yeah," I finally said, "I've noticed,".

- - - - -

Several hours and about six Sex on the Beach drinks later, I was wasted. The late night crowd had come in at about eleven and were all as drunk as me, which was probably when I had began to dance. Dean and Sam were playing pool while Kevin, Castiel and I looked on as I sipped my drink when a man a few years older than me asked me to dance. And as a young, single woman, I said yes.

Giggling and grinding against a perfect stranger, I was in my element. This was the part of my job that I liked, the sexual dancing and the occasional alcoholic beverage a client would buy me, not that I would ever be able to get this drunk at work, but it was still a similar feeling. Running my hands through my hair as I pushed it off my face and so close to the fairly attractive guy I was grinding with that our breath was mingling, I felt his hands slide lower than my hips and onto my ass. And because I was a prostitute for a living, this seemed normal to me, even as the man lips dropped onto the bass of my throat. I just exposed my neck further, waiting for the sting of his teeth to enter my skin, even though I knew he wasn't a vampire.

I was okay with all of this, but Dean didn't seem to be. I was swaying, the strangers lips working along my shoulder, the lights too bright and the world slightly blurry, when Dean came over and pushed the guy away from me.

"What are you doing, Dean?" My voice sounded slurred and being parted from the rock that was holding my upright, I swayed again. This time not in a dancing kind of way, more in a oh crap, I'm going to fall over way. I fell into the bar, a giggle escaping my lips as I tried to focus on Dean and the guy but I couldn't, though the next thing I knew Dean was back without the guy I had been provocatively dancing with, and was pulling on my waist to get me outside.

I was hit with a cold gust of air as Dean and I headed outside and I laughed again, kicking off my shoes and leaving them there as I extended my arms and twirled in several circles, only stopping as it made me feel sick, "Whoa," My stomach churned but the vomit feeling quickly passed, I wasn't a vomiter when it came to drinking. I never had been. Dean watched me as I steadied myself, I glanced at my shoes before giving him a wry smile. He understood my message and picked them up for me.

"I think its time you're cut off," Dean told me, before I found myself in his arms and then being buckled into the Impala. I must have fallen asleep for a while then, because the next thing I knew, I was in Dean's hotel room. God knew why he had brought me here, probably because he thought Mason and Trent were home and they would kill me. But as I sat up, I knew I was still hammered, but I was feeling well enough to smile and pat the bed at Dean, who was standing with his arms crossed.

He sat down on the bed next to me, "What time is it?" I asked, running a hand through my hair as he showed me a clock, "3:30, shit!" I had indeed been out for several hours. I wasn't worried though, I didn't have work until midnight that night, I had time to sleep off the hangover that hadn't arrived yet, seeing as I was still pretty fucked. Sighing, I looked down between Dean and I's bodies, seeing his hand laying there... Just waiting. So, feeling bold, I slipped my hand into his and intertwined them, he didn't seem to mind.

"Your brother told me you had a crush on me," I said, my mouth betraying my eyes as I looked up at him, blinking seductively.

"Yeah, I do," He replied nonchalantly. A smirk crossed my lips as I stood from the bed, ripping my hand from his and pulling my blouse over my head, leaving me in my black bra as I slipped out of my leggings to show my matching underwear. Dean looked on with shock and mild enthusiasm. I knew he wanted the same thing. Crawling back onto the bed, I pushed him back against the pillows and sat on his lower torso, one leg on either side of his body.

I pushed off his leather jacket before I undid the flannelette shirt underneath it, running my hands over the smooth, muscled planes that made up the stomach of Dean Winchester. Licking my lips, I leaned down, pressing my lips against the top half and working my way down. I felt a groan build in his throat, and I looked up at him.

"I'm here," I whispered, the alcohol still severely messing with my brain, "Take me," And with the invitation of my words, he did just that.

All night long.

I could have made this chapter better and I could have portrayed her drunkess better if I was bothered but I'm not. I'm tired and cranky and I want to go to bed. But HALLELUJAH! They had sex! Sorry I didn't describe the smut for you, I will in future chapters but for now you'll have to deal with your sexual frustration elsewhere. I know the small part of smut I did write was the shittest smut I have ever written, again, I just can't be bothered to make it better at the moment. I hope you liked this chapter though, its a really long one!

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