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This was the quietest I had ever seen The Pentagon before and it was making my stomach do flip flops and I felt like I was going to be violently ill, which I didn't see actually happening seeing as I had less than nothing rolling around in my stomach right now. Though my mind felt more alert after leaving the bleak room I had been stuck in for days, my body did not. One of my arms was slung around Dean's shoulder as he practically dragged me towards the exit, the other arm hanging lifelessly at my side. Ava was walking ahead of us, her blonde curls bouncing behind her as she kept a gun cocked in her hands, I didn't know where she had gotten it, seeing as I doubted Sam and Dean had given it to her, but she had it as Sam and Castiel dragged my brothers behind Dean and I.

"Wait," Even after the glass of water that Ava had given me, my throat still felt like sandpaper and my voice came out croaky and sick. Dean ceased any movement at once as he looked down at me with wide eyes, wondering why I had asked him to stop. But instead of saying anything, I angled myself as far away from him as I could and coughed violently into my hand for several moments, after deciding I was done I took my hand away from my mouth, only to find it splattered with blood from what I assumed was my lungs. Closing my hand into a fist before Dean could see it, my heart began to beat faster as I realized that even if I did escape tonight, my problems with being tortured weren't over. All the pain and torture I had gone through in the last few days had left its mark internally.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked, his voice laced with worry and concern as I racked another bone shuddering cough. Careful not to expose the blood on my hand from the coughs, I looked up at him, leaning against him completely and nodding, giving him the smallest smile I could manage while wiping my bloody hand on my jeans. At least then it would look like it was from some of my other injuries. I'm sure that I could fix whatever the problem was as soon as everything settled down though, but I wasn't the important one right now. That category belonged completely to Mason and Trent, who were the strongest people I had ever known and were slumped over and could hardly open their eyes. Whatever Dallas had had done to me, he had had worse things done to my brothers.

I was about to respond to Dean with a yes, assuring him that I was okay and that we could keep moving towards the exit and freedom when a portable comm system that resembled a walkie talkie crackled to life on Ava's belt. I saw her freeze as Dean continued pulling me along, before he also stopped as he realized she had. One of the hands Ava had clinging to the gun carefully moved and hovered over the comm system at her side, wondering whether or not she should pick it up. She had two choices; pick it up and risk Dallas catching on, or ignore it and risk Dallas catching on. Neither outcome was one I particularly wanted her, or the rest of us, to go through with, seeing as they were both the same. But Ava did the thing that she thought would protect herself the most, she picked it up.

Though the voice on the other end came through distorted and scratchy, I knew that it was Dallas. The coldness in his tone caused my blood to chill and my bones to freeze up. Hardly able to move, I closed my eyes and tried to breathe out of my mouth as evenly as possible, which I soon realized was fruitless. Especially as I made out the words Dallas was saying. I had never been so scared in my life, not when my brothers had gone missing, not when I was kidnapped, not even when I had had sex with Dean the first time. Everything around me felt like it was falling apart and I literally had to use up every ounce of strength and lean on Dean now more than ever to keep from falling into a broken heap on the ground.

"At first, I was confused as to why nobody was answering," I heard Dallas musing, my gut tightening in fear even more as if that was even possible, "But then I remembered that you said you would go in and check on our... guests, while I rested after last night," I saw Ava visibly shaking as she remembered what had happened to her the previous night and my heart lurched, "And I realized that I didn't trust you. So I came down, out of my own leisure, running a business isn't an easy job, you know? And I walked to the front door and noticed," The voice had grown louder and less scratchy and I looked up and away from the walkie talkie in Ava's hand up to the terrorizing face of Dallas Braylen who was walking towards us, menace in his step, "That my two guards were passed out just inside the door, now I wonder how that happened?" Dean's fingers squeezed into me where they were at my waist and I could almost feel his other hand tightening on his gun.

"Sam," Dean hissed behind him as Dallas had some sort of stare down with Ava, trying to see who blinked first. Ava was always going to be the one who caved first, but I was surprised and proud of her by the fact that she had lasted so long, "Take Kale," As Ava bought us time, Dean passed me off to Sam, who was now weighed down with not only Mason but me as well. I heard him grunt under the added weight that I brought to him and I tried to support myself as much as I could but my knees were shaking too much to help anybody out. Dean looked at me, touching my jawline with a feather light touch and kissing my forehead before he turned back around to face Dallas and pulled out a silver knife from the inside of his leather jacket.

Breathing heavily, I watched the scene unfold before my eyes. Ava had obviously blinked first and as I saw her hands shake, the one still holding the gun looking as if it was about to drop the cold hunk of metal any second as I heard a whimper escape from between her teeth. Dean was waiting for his chance to get close enough to Dallas and catch him off guard so that he could get him with the knife and kill him, after all, he was just a Kitsune. He may be powerful and rich and smart, but he was still just a Kitsune and he could still be killed by a silver knife to the heart and a twist. Dean had barely taken a step before Dallas's eyes flickered over to him and the knife that he was wielding.

A scowl appeared on his face and he took several steps forward, his fingernails elongating into black coloured claws and a scream came out of my own mouth, begging Dean to run. Sam was trying to hold me up but found himself struggling because I was so scared I couldn't support my own weight. Castiel came closer and nudged me up with his free shoulder, his arms holding Trent and helping him move. Dean couldn't win. I had always been an optimist, but right in that moment I found myself a pessimist. I didn't believe that Dean could win, even though he had been hunting nearly his whole life and Dallas was just a Kitsune with an ugly heart.

I was about to scream again, even though my throat was raw and I wanted to vomit, but the sound died in my throat as I heard two shots ring out and Dallas stumbling back, holding his chest as the white shirt he was wearing began to dot with blood. My heart hammering so hard I thought it was going to stop altogether, I glanced at where the shots had come from, only to see Ava standing with her feet spread apart and the gun still aimed at Dallas even though she was shaking. Her mouth was set in an O and as the wheels turned in my head I realized that she had just shot him in the chest. Twice. Glancing back at Dallas, I was just in time to see Dean stab the blonde Kitsune through the heart and twist the blade sideways. Dallas let out a feral noise before he dropped to the ground, moving for a few moments before all movement ceased and he laid there with his eyes and mouth wide open. Dead.

At first I couldn't look away. And even after I regained feeling in my face, I didn't want to look away. The man that had killed, the man that had caused so much horror, pain and torture for years was lying several meters away from me, dead. I wanted to jump up and down in relief and throw a party, but I still could hardly move and Sam was starting to drop me until Dean came and took me back from him, running his hands over my face, my hair and my neck and whispering nothings that I couldn't even hear, but were obviously only meant for me. I tried to smile, but it ended as a grimace as Dean ran his hands down my arms and disrupted the jagged cuts down my arm that had barely healed, even with the Chlobixycn pulsing through my system.

"Hey," Dean whispered, not wanting to look down at my arms to see what had hurt me so much, "Its over now," He told me and I was able to give him a small smile then. I hope you're right, I thought as he helped me out of The Pentagon and towards the Impala sitting in the empty lot. Usually, the brothel would have been thriving by this time of night, but evidently I was closed and honestly, I hoped it stayed closed. Forever. As I fell into the passenger seat of Dean's car, a hiss of pain escaped my lips and I really did hope that everything was over now that Dallas was dead, even though I couldn't seem to rid myself of the cold, sick feeling in my gut.

I hope you liked this chapter. I really enjoyed writing it haha! So, don't fret, this isn't the end of the story like some of you have been asking me! There is still sooooo much to come! Go to stateofseductionseries.tumblr.com and then to the tags page and select "sneak peak" if you want to see anything that may happen in the future and feel free to ask my questions on anything that may not make sense to you, or anything at all? But until next time, please comment! I really appreciate it and thank you all so much for all the support you have given me. I love each and every one of you! :)) XO

State of Seduction. // Dean Winchester COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now