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I had only been to Compton, Illinois once, two years ago. It had been a really hot July and The Pentagon had closed down for repairs for a few weeks and Malia had told us that she had a lake house down in Compton and that we could all go down there for a week and just hang out. No monsters, no sex, no annoyingly pressing siblings. It had just been the eight of us. Malia, Bianca, Emma, Lacey, Ava, Adalind, Daisy and me. It had been so peaceful, just lounging along the lake bank, swimming in it of an evening. Drinking girly drinks and just pretending we didn't really lead the lives we led. I had only held good memories of Compton, Illinois, and so when Mason and I pulled into a bed and breakfast maybe twenty minutes away from Malia's lake house, I had thought we were in the wrong town.

Things were different in Compton. What had once been a vibrant, social community, now seemed like a town full of zombies. I didn't know what was running through Mason's head as we parked, but I was seriously worrying if we hadn't actually just stepped into a town full of real life zombies. It was clear soon though, that we hadn't. We had just stepped into a town full of grieving people. Rest In Peace signs were sprawled over the town with pictures attached and it was physically impossible to walk through the cemetery without sobbing yourself, even if you hadn't lost anybody, because the living that had been left behind from the dead were so heartbroken.

"Is this normal for a ghoul attack?" I whispered to Mason as I turned away from yet another burial service and looked up at my older brother with wide eyes. Trent's warning of how the game was harder than I remembered ran through my head again and a shiver went down my spine, how much harder was harder? Mason looked back at me and sighed, running a hand through his unruly dark hair. He rested his hands on his hips and looked around the graveyard, it was obviously a lot worse than he had expected as well. The way that Mason had explained the case to me on the way here, there was maybe two or three ghouls and they had killed maybe six people in the last few collective weeks. This was worse, this was something I had never seen before. It was like the whole town had fallen into despair at the feet of the devil.

"This isn't normal for any attack," Mason whispered back and caused my beating heart to stop and drop into my stomach, freezing my insides. I may have been out of the game for four or so years, and I may not have realized how serious this actually was but the expression of pure horror on Mason's face told me how abnormal this situation really was. My hand was on my phone in my pocket right now, ready to pull it out and dial Dean's number and tell him to bring his brother, his angel and anyone else so that whatever was going on in Compton, Illinois could be stopped before it started too much when I spied a familiar face walking past my brother and I.

"Malia?" Confusion inched into my voice as Malia focused on my face and looked confused for several moments before a fake looking smile plastered across her face and she walked towards us. Malia stopped in front of Mason and I and ran a hand through her curly dark hair. She was dressed all in black and a bunch of tissues were torn up in her hand by her side and some of her mascara was smudged under her eye. I looked around at the various burials before concluding that she had been involved in one of the funerals and I gave her a small smile as she sniffled. "I didn't realize you were coming down to Compton this week," I said to her.

"Yeah, neither did I," She sniffed again and I watched as she ran the back of her hand over her eyes and smudged her make-up even more, now it was halfway down her cheek but if she noticed she didn't seem to care. "But my cousin was killed from this asshole psycho killer that's rampaging all over Compton," Again, Malia sniffed and I reached out and put a hand on her arm. She was freezing. It wasn't exactly a warm day, it was windy and sometimes it felt like little bits of ice were puncturing your skin but I was standing in a quarter sleeve shirt and jeans and I was warm with the sun beating down on me, Malia felt as cold as ice. Malia felt as if she should be dead in the morgue, that kind of extreme cold.

"I'm so sorry," I said to her as Mason sent her a sorry smile full of pity and sympathy all in one.

"What are you guys doing here?" Malia looked between Mason and I, "Hi Mason," She added and he gave her another small smile. Malia had only met Mason a few times, but I knew the few times she had met him she had been smitten with him. Mason never quite felt the same way back towards her, but that never stopped Malia from trying to gain his attention. I was never really sure how I felt about my friend coming onto my brother, I tried not to think about it, but I guessed that I could let her advances go for one day if she was in Compton for a funeral. I looked at Mason and raised my eyebrows to see if I could say something to Malia about the ghouls and he nodded once, tightly.

"Its supernatural," I told her, "Ghouls," Malia's face paled as she looked over at Mason for confirmation and he nodded tightly again. I wondered if he was always this serious on cases or if it was just because something was incredibly wrong with this one.


"Hit it straight, and without holding back," Mason held the heavy bag up in front of me and urged me to punch at it with the hand spikes I had concealed in my sleeve, which would release themselves when I punched something hard enough. Mason wasn't giving me enough credit, I had been out of hunting for three years, not three decades. I had been working as an escort, I still knew how to hit things hard enough. But I did as he said anyway, he pointed his gun at me and pretended to be the bad guy while I lurched forward and punched at the punching bag that was in front of me, feeling the spikes release from my sleeve and stab deep into the punching bag, causing grains of sand from the inside to fall out and litter the floor of the bed and breakfast.

"You forget that I'm a bad ass when it comes to hunting," I reminded him as I pulled my spokes out of the ruined bag, rolling my eyes, "You forget who our father was," Mason flinched as I said was, symbolizing that he wasn't anymore and reopening the old wound for Mason that our father was long dead. I felt bad for bringing him up, but sometimes I couldn't help myself. It was evident that our father's death had hit Mason a lot harder than it had hit me, if the fact that it was still raw for my older brother meant anything.

"At midnight we go back to the graveyard, see if any of our ghouls feel like going back to their old diet of the dead," And just like that Mason had turned back off his emotions like any other hunter would in this type of situation. I didn't know whether to admire him or to worry about him.

hello yes it's me.
i don't have a good excuse for not updating in a godly amount of time, i was just watching two season of the fosters and a season of twisted. so, sorry about that.

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