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"Son on a bitch!" I turned at the sound of the unscripted swear word and raised my eyebrows. I was at work on my break and Ava had just taken her break as well and the two of us were just getting a cigarette from the back room before we went out into the back alley to smoke it, which was when Ava had swore. If it had of been any of the other girls, I wouldn't have cared, but seeing as it was Ava Marie, I wondered what was going on in her head, seeing as we had been friends for a long time and I had never heard her swear before.

"Losing it?" I asked, my eyebrows still raised to my hairline as I watched her put her finger in her mouth that she had just cut on God knows what, but the small paper looking cut had managed to break down her defenses and I wondered if there was anything going on behind the perfect wall she managed to keep up at all times to keep people out. Hence her job working here at The Pentagon, she didn't care enough about herself to work anywhere else and it was a perfect excuse to not have a significant other, or anyone for that fact.

"You have no idea," She looked at me and for the first time since I had met her three years ago, I saw behind the opaque blue eyes in her head. She looked scared, much like how I felt all the time now that I couldn't escape the Winchester's and it was bringing Dallas down on my heels, seeing as he hadn't noticed the people I lived with were hunters before the Winchester's came to town, and now I had a feeling he knew everything.

"Are you okay, Ava?" I risked using her real name at work simply because I was worried about her. Pushing her blonde hair back off of her face, she ignored her still bleeding finger as she looked in the small mirror we had above the basin and sighed. Now figuring out that she wasn't in fact okay, I was noticing how utterly tired and upset she looked. She had covered dark bags up with a shit load of concealer, but it hadn't completely done the trick and you could tell, and even though she had done her best to hide that too, I could see redness around her eyes like she hadn't slept in a long time.

"Yeah," She looked at me and forced a smile onto her face, "Never better," She lied but knowing Ava, I knew I had to drop it or it wouldn't end up well. I didn't know what was wrong, I just knew that something was up. She could've done something that had gotten her in trouble with Dallas and he might be coming down hard on her too and she might have been worried about her life, seeing as if Dallas wasn't completely happy with you -- it was like you were playing a game of Russian Roulette.

"Lets go," She said in a faux bright tone, making me bite down on my lip so I didn't say anything but I followed her nonetheless, out into the darkened alley way. I shivered as I stepped out of the door to the brothel, clutching my coat tighter around me but knowing it wasn't because of the cold that I was feeling uneasy and shivering all over. It was because of the last time I had been out in this very alley way, having a cigarette, I had been attacked and would have been dead right now if Dean Winchester hadn't have been following me.

Dean Winchester.

I was still so, so confused about what had happened the previous night, or the previous morning, whichever one suited. I didn't know what to do about it, he hadn't called or come by and I hadn't seen his Chevy Impala following me around that day. I didn't know what to think, I knew I was supposed to despise him and do whatever I could to get rid of him because getting involved with him would just put even more of a gamble on my life. But I couldn't forget it, I found myself not wanting to forget it.

"What's on your mind?" I looked up at Ava who was blowing cigarette smoke out of her mouth, much like I was, and looking at me intently. She seemed to know something was up with me, just like I knew something was up with her, and I didn't know whether to tell her or not. For three years, Ava had saved my ass numerous times and I knew that she could keep a secret, but I still didn't know whether it was a good idea or not to tell her. Although, Bianca knew, and as much as I trusted Bianca, I trusted Ava with my life more.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked, I knew that she could but I wanted to ask so that she would know the importance of what I was about to say. If she had ever kept a secret for me, this had to be the one. She had to take it to the grave and then beyond that, she could never say anything to anybody, not even fleetingly. I guessed that in Dallas's world, living with Hunters was okay (that was if he even knew, I didn't know if he did), but having sexual relations with them was something completely in the deep end, it wasn't okay. Ava nodded hesitantly, finishing her cigarette and stamping on it with her shoe.

"I slept with Dean Winchester," Ava's eyes turned to saucers and as if she was a timid, over emotional teenage girl on her period, her blue eyes welled up with tears and they spilled over. Confused and utterly shocked, I walked to her and put my arms around her shoulder in a hug, "Why are you crying?" I knew that what had happened was bad, but I didn't think Ava would cry, especially not because of the emotionally closed off person that she was.

"I just--" She spluttered and I pulled back to look at her, "Fuck," She swore again and my eyes widened for a second time at her lapse in control of her mouth, "I just don't want him to kill you," My entire body froze as she said this and I took a step back. I mean, I had figured this already, but I wanted to know how the hell Ava knew about any of this. She spoke so surely, like Dallas had already made plans to have me killed and eat my brain, except, even if that was true, how would Ava know about any of this?

"How do you know--?" I was cut off by the alley door opening to reveal Emma, who was looking flustered and ready for this night to be over, just like the rest of us.

"There you are," She wiped her brow as she found us, "Your break is over, and we need you in here... We have a bit of a hunter problem," My blood ran cold but I pushed past Emma to get to the front of the brothel as quick as I could anyway. I was right to feel afraid, Dallas was standing by the door fuming and looking ready to kill, the claws that he as a Kitsune had were extended and he looked ready to maim and kill, as Sam, Dean and Castiel stood by the door. Dean aiming his gun at Dallas's head and Sam wielding a knife to kill him with as Castiel stood by with only his angel powers as weaponry. Dean caught my eye and faltered for a second, but ignored me as he continued to point the gun that wouldn't end Dallas's life, but probably just mine. Ava fell to my side and was looking at me but I refused to look back at her, instead watching the scene unfold before me, knowing that it was my fault and that I had to do something, but not knowing what.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Sounding stronger than I felt, I waltzed up to the party of four, the party everyone in the brothel had turned to stare at, and I stopped by Dallas's side, reaching out and touching his elbow and hoping that the little gesture would keep me from getting murdered. Momentarily, Dean's gun left Dallas and turned on me and I jumped back before Sam said Dean's name and he moved his fire back to Dallas and I semi relaxed.

"Its okay, Belle, I can handle this," Dallas told me in a low, even voice and that voice had me freaking out as I nodded at him and stepped back. He was more than mad, he was like a parent that was so mad they weren't even yelling, but just talking in a as-calm-as-possible voice. Dean's hand inched on the trigger but he didn't pull it, not yet. Instead he opened his mouth to speak as Sam fixed his grip on the knife in his hand.

"Give them back!" Dean yelled and I bit down on my lip to keep from asking who. Who did Dallas have? A cold, sick feeling churned in my stomach as I had a good idea who they were talking about but hoping I was wrong and pushing the thought to the back of my mind before I could say something I would regret.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Dallas said, a low chuckle releasing from his lips as he shifted his stance and Dean and Sam took a step back. I made eye contact with Castiel who gave me a sorry look and I clenched my eyes shut, focusing on breathing and I began to hear a commotion. A fight. I kept my eyes closed and I felt Ava's hand on my arm, I struggled with my breathing but kept my eyes closed, somehow before Ava whispered to me that it was okay to look.

"Its okay, everyone!" Dallas yelled, now alone by the door and with a blood stain on his white shirt which made me shudder, who's blood was that? Dean's? Sam's? "Go back to your business!" And just like magic, the music began again and people turned back to their conversations and lap dances, as if nothing had just happened. I was glad that I had kept my eyes shut, I didn't want to know what had just happened. Although I had a feeling I would find out anyway as Dallas sauntered over to me, his eyes dark.

As he passed, he paused by me and grabbed onto my arm, his nails breaking my skin and causing it to bleed as he put his lips next to my ear, "I suggest you watch your back," before he let go and continued on his way to his office. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. I didn't care about the blood trickling down my arm that was attracting several vampires. Ava was shaking me and Emma was calling my name, but I was lost to them. Because before, when I had thought I was on thin ice with Dallas, I didn't actually know and that was bliss.

But that was confirmation.

State of Seduction. // Dean Winchester COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now