Player's Prayer ~ Chapter 13

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It's been 6 months since I been in here. Things are looking dim as fuck. Jas stopped by yesterday and being up in here is making me miss them like crazy. She due any minute and I might not be able to see the birth of my child. I just pray to God that he gets me up out of here, I ain't tryna lose my family.


"In the case of Lloyd Polite Jr v. The State we find Mr. Polite 'Not Guilty' of the murder of Ricky Wilson, but of being a witness, we find him guilty of manslaughter your honor." One of the members of the jury said.

"5 to 15 years." He said dismissing us.

"Nooooooo!" Jas screamed out.

"Come on." The Officer pulled me out the court as I watched Jas break down crying.

Few Days Later

"What happened then?" My cellmate Troy asked me referring to a fight that happened in the yard.

"The guards came in and took them somewhere." I said as we cleaned the hall way floors.

"Polite! You have a visitor." Jerome, one of the guards said.


Jerome one of those guards that let you know what's up. He one of Luther's workers and watching out to make sure nothing happens to me up in here. I went to the visiting room and saw Jas holding a baby and Ant was with her.

"Hi Daddy." Ant said playing with an air plane.

"Wassup little man?" I gave him five. "Who's this?" I asked Jas referring to the baby in her arms.

"This is your daughter Lloyd. She was born the night after your hearing.

"For real? What's her name?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Ariana Kylie Polite." She said. "Do you wanna hold her?"

"I'm scared I'll hurt her." I mumbled lowly.

"You'll be okay. Here." She said handing her to me and helping me hold her right. I looked at Ariana as she looked like a mini Jas. She has thick hair and I know she got that from both of us.

"Isn't she beautiful?" A female officer walked up.

"Thank you." Jas said.

"Don't worry baby. Daddy will be out soon." I whispered to her as she made little noises.

"Daddy when are you coming home?" Anthony asked.

"Soon man. You take care of your Mom and sister while I'm away okay?"

"Okay." He said as he walked over to Jas.

"Here, I brought you some pictures and stuff so you can have a little piece of home with you." Jas said as she handed me some pictures of us and Ant.

"Times up Polite." Jerome said. "I tried pushing it off a little."

"Thanks J." I said as I handed Ariana back to Jas.

"We'll come back Friday." Jas said.


"Can I touch him?" Jas asked Jerome.

"Go ahead." He sighed as Jasmine hugged me and then kissed me.

"I love you." She said as she grabbed Ant and then left.

I haven't heard her say those words in about 8 months. I haven't felt her arms around me in about 8 months. I don't even remember the last time she's kissed me without me trying to. I miss my woman.



Only Lord knows how bad I miss Lloyd. I hate that he's going to be away for a while, but he knows I'll be here for him when he gets out. I just wish he was here with me. The times he would always bother me, always trying to make things work. This house isn't anything without him. His birthday is coming up soon and we won't even be celebrating it.

"Momma, I miss him. Like I talk to God about him all the time."

"Awwwww baby. Lloyd will be out in no time. Just be patient, I'm sure God will answer all of our prayers soon."

"I hope he does. I want him to come back home. I haven't even told him yet that I'm ready for us to try again and work on our relationship."

"You need to." Momma said as she folded up the clothes.

"Momma, do you think I'm doing the right thing by taking another chance?"

"If he's changed like he said he has and loves you like you love him, then yes." She said. "Don't be scared to take a chance though. Trust me Jas, that boy is crazy about you. You can see it in him. I know for a fact that some act got put into him."

"Thanks Momma. Please don't be up all night cleaning." I joked.

"Oh shush." She smiled.

"Night Momma."

"Night baby."


4 Months Later

Today I was visiting Lloyd. I wanted to see him so bad. When he walked in, I was immediately shocked by his look.

"What happened to you?" I asked. He had a busted lip, a black eye and stitches on his left eye brow.

"Nothing. I'll be aight." He said waving me off. "How you been?"


"The kids?"

"Anthony been able to sleep at nights now."

When Lloyd first went away Anthony's started having nightmares about Lloyd and couldn't sleep through out the night.

"How's my little girl?" He asked.

"Lloyd, she looks just like you. The long hair, your nose and your ears." I smiled.

"You got any pictures?" He asked with a slight smile.

"I'll make some."

"How is Momma?"

"Momma is Momma." I said. "Same as always." I smiled.

"Man I miss y'all."

"We miss you too. I can't wait til you get out of here."

"Me either. They might let me off for good behavior."

"That's good. Me and Momma been praying."

"Me too."

"Just know when you get out, I'm here. We're gonna be a family again." I said as a smile came across his face.

"When I get out, I'ma marry you." He said. "Believe that!"

"We'll see."

"I gotta get going." He said as he looked over at Jerome, the same guard that is always with Lloyd. "Love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said as I hugged him tight.

Jas finally giving Lloyd another chance, buuuuuuut we gotta hope Lloyd gets out in time.





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