Player's Prayer ~ Chapter 5

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"You done being mad at me?" I asked her. She sighed as I waited for her response. "You not gon answer me?"

"You know I'm not mad at you Lloyd." She said.

"I'ma see you when I get home." I said "I love you baby. Don't forget that. You're the only woman that I love." I said.

"I love you too." She said after a short period of silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Lloyd, I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant?" I inhaled. "What you gonna do?" I asked.

"I don't feel that this is the right time to have another baby Lloyd." She said.

"You know, you said that last time, and the time before that. When will it be the right time Jas?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Lloyd, calm down. I'm just not ready for another baby. We don't even have time to watch Anthony, what makes you think we can watch another baby?"

"What makes you think I sit well with you aborting my children?"

"You think I like killing our unborns?" She yelled into the phone.

"It looks like it. Like fuck! Last three times you got pregnant, you aborted the babies."

"You know what? Fuck you Lloyd! Stay yo ass in New York!" She said before hanging up on me. I tossed my phone on my bed and laid back. I was about to head over to Janae's house. I don't really like being there cause she tryna get in my pants. She crazy if she think I'ma fuck her. I just came to visit Kayla and that's it. Hell, her ass don't even like me so it's like what the hell am I doing here?

"Bout time you brought yo ass back here."

"I ain't come back to hear this." I said walking in.

"Then what you come back for Goldie? You left and then pop back up. What do you want?"

"I can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" She asked.

"This. This snooping shit. Snooping is what got me into this with you." I said.

"Snooping? Goldie? Are you seeing somebody else?"

"I'm not seeing nobody else, I have a life with somebody else. This running back and forth ain't cutting it anymore." I said.

"You fucking bastard." She threw a punch at me. "You lied! You're just like the rest of them!" She said pushing me. "What did I do to you?" She asked after a long moment of silence.

"I told you from the jump I didn't live here and wasn't planning on it either."

"Do you and her have any kids?" She asked. The hell she questioning me for? I ain't with her.

"I ain't telling you anything."

"Answer me right now before I fuck you up."

"Look, just know that I got some years in with her. I don't need you on my back asking me when I'll come see Kayla. I'll come see her when I can." I said walking towards the door.

"Goldie, tell this bitch you with that I'm coming for her."

"You can chill with all that shit. I ain't in the mood for you and your dumb ass games." I said opening the door and walking out. Heading back to Atlanta.


"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard Anthony scream as I walked in the house.

"Wassup man?" I picked up him and tossed him in the air.

"I got cars." He said after I put him down.

"I know you got Cars. Where yo momma at?"

"In her room." He said as he ran off in that direction. I walked in as she was in the bed sleep.

"Go watch cartoons Ant." I said as I got my things and brought them back in the room. I took a shower and got out. I guess Jas was still mad at me from our phone convo, cause she was mugging me from the bed.

"I thought I told yo ass not to come back?"

"Jas, not this." I said getting in the bed on my side.

"No I'm gonna. What the hell was so important in New York?"

"It's handled." I said looking at her.

"What happened to your lip?" She asked as she looked at my face. "Lloyd, did you get into a fight?" I looked at her as she sighed. "Exactly the reason why you need to get out of this life. People are out trying to hurt you." She said as I sighed to myself.

"I'm alright Jas. I was playing ball."

"Your lip ain't that busted from playing ball." She said as she grabbed a rag and left out the room. I can't tell her about Janae, that would lead to things I'm not in the mood to handle at the moment. "Here. Put this there." She said putting the cold rag on my face.

"Thank you." I mumbled. I laid back on the bed and relaxed.

"I scheduled the appointment tomorrow." She said as I sighed. "We're not ready for another baby." She said as I sat up and opened my eyes.

"I'm ready. I been ready and you keep pushing it aside." I said.

"I can't sit here and pop out babies all damn day Lloyd."

"All I'm asking for is another child. A little girl would fit this whole thing." I said putting the rag back on my lip.

"Not now Lloyd. I'm sorry, but not now." She said before disappearing out the room.


A little something for tonight :)

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