Player's Prayer ~ Chapter 12

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I'm tired of playin' things like this. You deserve more than that. I'm lookin' at the man in the mirror, I'm ashamed of who's starin' back. I don't wanna do you like this, But her body be callin' me. And somethin' makes me pick right up. I'm fightin' what's in front of me.

I don't wanna be that, be, be that. Must be out of my mind, with that chick on the side, In the passenger side of the ride. I don't wanna be that, be that. Can I be what you need? When I'm out in the streets? Shoulda had you here with me. I don't wanna be. - I don't wanna be by Lloyd



I meant what I said to Jas the other night. I wanna do right by her and Ant. If she want me out the streets, then I'm out. She want me home, I'm there. I came to realize that Jas needs better and I need to step my game up before it's too late.

"What's this?" Jas asked coming to the kitchen.

"I made you breakfast. Ant already ate and I took him to school already." I said pulling a water bottle out the fridge.

"Thank you." She sat down and looked at the food.

"Might wanna eat quickly and get ready. We gotta be out of here in 45 minutes.

"Where to?" She questioned.

"I have therapy and then we have to go handle some things." I said before heading to the room. I got dressed in some sweats and a hoodie and put on my cement 3's. After getting ready, Jas got ready and we left to the gym.

"Hey Lloyd!" Linda greeted me "Ready to start your workout?"


"We're gonna head into a little movement with your knee. Try to work the stiffness out."

"Aight." I said handing the keys to Jas. "You gonna stay or you gonna go?" I asked.

"I'll stay and watch." Jas said as I pulled my hoodie off and handed it to her.

After my workout, I took Jas with me to do a little running around.

"Where are we?" Jas asked.

"Remember how you always talked about wanting a house?" I looked at her.

"Yeah." She looked at me confused.

"Well, I went out and talked to a few people and today we are gonna find your dream house you want." I said as I got out the car.

"Lloyd, you don't have to do this." Jas said.

"I know I don't have to, I want to. Now come on. I got one of the best housing people in Atlanta to find a nice beautiful home."


"I think I like this one." Jas said after the 7th house we looked at. She had to call her sister Michelle to pick up Ant from school.

"I thought we'd never be done." I said joking.

"Okay, we'll just get the paper work situated and we'll give you guys a call." Jim said.

"You drive. I'm tired as hell." I said getting in passenger side. All I seen when I woke up was red and blue lights behind us.

"Lloyd Polite?" The Officer asked.


"That's him." He said to his partner. "We have a warrant out for your arrest for the disappearance of Ricky Wilson." He said as they read me my rights.

"What? No! Lloyd!" Jas called out to me.

"Jas, get Ant and go home." I said as they escorted me to the back of the police car.

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