Player's Prayer ~ Chapter 27

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I guess you can say I've been doing a little better after what happened. I finally went out and got me a legit business and I did it because I still wake up hearing Jas telling me to go get a real job. Thinking back, I laugh at it because she really was down for me and saw things in me that I didn't see. I'm also thinking about going to get my GED since I dropped out of high school. I should've just listened the first time, maybe things would have been different.

"How is the shop?" Mama asked me.

"It's doing great actually. I thought owning places would be hard, but I got Luther to help me out with that."

"That's good. How is Anthony?"

"He still asks about her. I gave him this ring she cherished but he doesn't know what to do with it." I said laughing a little.

"He'll know when he gets older. I'm glad you're doing good Lloyd. You be a great father and role model to Anthony. Jasmine would want to see her baby boy be something other than a statistic." She said.

"I know. That's my goal with him." I said. "He'll probably be easier to deal with."

"Most likely. I'ma let yo go baby. Tell DeSean to call me when he gets the chance." She said.

"Yes ma'am." I said before I heard her hang up.

For only 5 months to have gone by, it still feels like yesterday. For her birthday, I paid her a visit. I didn't care that if was pouring outside, all the pain I felt was still inside. It felt good letting things out too. I miss her so much that it hurts to even try to stop thinking about it. I don't think I can be the type of man to just move on either.

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Thank God you picked up." She said.

"Who is this?" I questioned.

"It's me, Alisha." She said as I looked at my phone like it was stupid.

"What the hell you want?" I asked her.

"I missed you and wanted to tell you I love you." She said. Detective Benson and Stabler had arrested her and gathered up all the evidence and the judge gave her the 25 to life sentence. I was glad, but I should consider changing my number now.

"Bitch, don't ever call my phone again. I don't give a damn about you and I never will." I said before hanging up.


"Yo Goldie!" My cousin Chris called. He had just moved out here from California with his Fiancé and their two kids.

"Wassup CB?" I said walking up to him and bro hugging him.

"Nothing much. Lex wanted me to invite you and Ant over for dinner tonight."

"Your girl always wanted dinner." I laughed.

"You're more than welcome to come to the wedding too." He said.

"Ahhh nah. I'm cool. I still need to get over this." I said.

"Come on man. You family." He said.

"Yeah, but I don't need to be going to no wedding man. Love is just not my thing right now. Congrats though. I see you quit messing around before it was too late." I said.

"Don't beat yourself up man. Just causes more stress." He said.

"I'm trying not to. You up for helping out with a business?"

"Hell yeah. Lex been on my back heavy bout getting a legit job."

"Well I got you little cousin." I said as I turned and walked to the building behind us. "Got barbershops, tattoo parlors, ice cream shops. I'm just tryna make this money before I start branching out to companies."

"You got your shit handled from what I see."

"But it wouldn't be right without a partner that I can trust with all the hectic shit going on in my life."

"True. Where Ant?" He asked.

"At his Grandma's."

"I see y'all still close."

"Something like that. Yo Sean!" I called out and waved him over.


"This my cousin Chris, Chris this is Jas' brother DeSean."

"Wassup man?" They both dapped each other.

"You already know Brandon."

"Wassuh." He nodded. Brandon was a country boy from deep in New Orleans. He moved to Atlanta to get a better start with life after his brother got gunned down. Being that we grew up in the same hood in New Orleans, I decided to hook him up with a nice job out here.


"Hey Lloyd." Lex said greeting me.

"How you doing Ms. Alexis?" I said giving her a hug.

"I'm doing fine. Question is, how are you?" She asked pulling away.

"Better. Still numb, but I'm doing my best."

"That's good. I can only imagine how hard it was. How's the baby?"

"He's too young to even know what's going on."

"Hey baby." Chris said walking in with Ant. "Look at him!" Chris said throwing him around.

"You hungry Lloyd?"

"Yeah, I can eat." I said.

Just an update of how things are going so far. I decided that next chapter will be the final chapter.




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