Player's Prayer ~ Chapter 3

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Lloyd Polite Jr

Okay, so I cheated on Jasmine about a year ago. I was too busy in the streets to not give a damn if Jas stayed with me or not. She can't and will not find out about Kayla.

"Baby, you okay?" Jasmine asked me interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm cool babe." I said as I got up from the table and went to the kitchen.

"You seem like you have a lot on your mind." She said following me into the kitchen.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"Thinking about?"

"How do you feel about having another baby?" I asked mostly out of curiosity.

"Ummmm... I don't want another child for a minute Lloyd."

"I just feel we should have another baby." I said turning to look at her.

"I don't want to go through that again until I'm ready."

"You act like I'm not gonna take care of you." I said as I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her. "I'ma marry you one day." I said as I kissed her neck and walked out the kitchen to the living room.

"Don't be all loud on that Playstation Lloyd. Anthony is sleep" Jasmine called.


"You're still playing this game?" Jasmine asked me coming out the room in one of my shirts. "I was in the bath for dang near 2 hours." She said sitting down on the couch next to me.

"I'm almost done." I said looking at her.

"Game freak."

"Only on Tuesday night." I said as I turned off the game and followed behind Jas to the room.

"You better take a shower. You not getting in my bed stinking."

"So now I stink?" I questioned.

"I still love you." She laughed.

"Okay, I'll go take a shower." I said sighing getting some clothes and heading to the bathroom.


"Why we watching this movie?" I asked Jas while laying my head on her arm.

"Cause it's a good movie." She sighed.

"I don't wanna watch it."

"Too bad. We watching it and that's it. I ain't got the energy to be messing with your horny ass tonight." She said grabbing some popcorn.

"Damn you foul." I kissed my teeth. "Just gon leave me with this?"

"Better go get the Vaseline from my gym bag." She laughed.

"You remember this when you want some." I said turning over and getting comfy. If she wasn't gon give any up then I was gon attempt to take my ass to sleep.


It was early in the morning when my phone started ringing. I looked at it as I looked at Jas who was getting ready for work. I forgot last night was her last night off. I put my phone on vibrate and just let it go to voicemail. It wasn't the right time nor the place to talk to Janae.

"Hey sleepy head. You fell asleep on me lastnight." She said laughing and sitting on my side of the bed.

"You know what you did." I said getting up.

"You know I had work today." She said.

"I obviously forgot." I said walking to the bathroom.

"Why you got an attitude?" She laughed following me to the bathroom. I just ignored her and did my business. "I guess I'll go get Anthony ready." She said walking out. When I was finished, I got ready to take her to work.


"What time you get off?" I asked pulling up to her job.


"Aight." I said as she pecked my lips and then started talking to Ant.

"Bye baby. Mommy loves you."

"Love you too Mommy." He said

"Be good and listen to your big head Daddy."


"I'll see you later." She said before pecking my lips again and then getting out the car.

"Go ahead and hop up front Ant." I said as he hopped in front and we drove off. He was too busy playing on his PSP that I got him for his Christmas.

"What you playing?"

"Cars." He said

This boy forever playing that game. He got about 200 games and plays the same one all the time.

"Wanna go to the park?"

"No, I'm hungry!" He said looking up from his game for the first time.

"What you wanna eat?"

"McDonalds." He said

McDonalds it is.







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